![Sims 4 — Thinking of You by MartyP — Please take note that these poses replace the trait (Loner) in CAS. Please click](/scaled/2651/w-600h-450-2651426.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
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Please take note that these poses replace the trait (Loner) in CAS. Please click Creators Notes for additional explanations.
These poses are for close ups only. The legs are straight forward.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1316376
ItemID: 1316376
Filesize: 26 KB
Please take note that these poses replace the trait "Loner" in CAS.
To take great screenshots in CAS, your poses has to play slowly. To do that, you must enter a cheat code. Here's how you do that:
In CAS press Shift + Alt + C Then a small bar will open on the top left of the screen, then enter casclockspeed 0.2 ( make sure there's a space in between casclockspeed and 0.2 then click enter.
Go back to your trait "Loner" and double click it.
Outfit by Margeh75: DOWNLOAD HERE
Hair by Nightcrawler: DOWNLOAD HERE
Necklace by Toksik: DOWNLOAD HERE
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