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Created for: The Sims 3
Here is the last (unofficial) offering for the PWI project....FHEWWW! I say unofficial because technically I still have the cemetery to do but as I mentioned I'm going to wait awhile on that.
Concerning the Swinging Gardens, what initially came to mind was something along the idea of the hanging gardens of Babylon which I was going to build on the lot where Parliament now stands. But the concept still intrigued me. Historians say that the actual ancient gardens did not hang like a basket but rather hung over and spilled down the walls. Now there's a novel idea, I thought, that would work quite well in a world that doesn't play by the same physical rules as ours. Gardens that hang like a basket!. Dare we even assume that they swing? The idea was too intriguing so I started to play around and the rest, like the Babylonian version, is history. It was somewhat difficult to get a good looking overall shot but I think the collective group of pics gives you a good idea. There are 3 main swings with one of them accessible, 1 pedestal garden, 1 elevated pavilion, 1 ground pavilion, 2 small winding paths, and an observation pavilion with public restrooms. Strolling around it gives me the sense that I'm on an adult jungle gym.
Thanks again and enjoy!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/996484
ItemID: 996484
Filesize: 4 MB
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- Stories: 3
- Lot Size (z): 11
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