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Created for: The Sims 4
Cute couple poses for your sims. I hope you like them.
Place two Teleporters in the same spot to pose. Then click on your sim then pose by pack and choose Couples Photoshoot poses by Katverse.
The Sims 4 Pose
4 poses
You will need:
Pose Player http://sims4studio.com/thread/2617
Teleport Any Sim http://sims4studio.com/post/72734
CC used:
Romantic Garden Tucked-In-Shirt Recolor by MissRubyBird
Winged Eyeliner WEy02 by Katverse
Dorsey shoes by MahoCreations
Soft Lips V1 by Goppolsme
Braided bun by linkysims
BadKarma Anthony Hair
Pralinesims Beard N49
Willy pants by Birba32
Viiavi Lana dress
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1414331
ItemID: 1414331
Filesize: 52 KB
My Youtube: youtube.com/c/KatverseOfficial
My Instagram: instagram.com/katverse
My Tumblr: katverse.tumblr.com
My Twitter: @realKatverse
Website: katverse.com
Credits: Sims4Studio, kijiko's pose helper
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.