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Aquaprinc3ssAug 25, 2007

Yes I am\:D Yeah you will be a teenager like most the people in my legecy well except Pam\:P Ok color hair & eyes, color of skin (If your tanned or not etc) and style of clothing \:rah\:

ZayuryAug 25, 2007

Thank-you very much for your sweet comment on my first story "Zayury's Cinderella pt1"! I was afraid I would get booed off TSR, lol! \:D

newbie.t.Aug 24, 2007

Thanks Dannii, I appreciate it! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, although I still haven't even started the next one. Lazy me. I love Portia, she's great to write! Doesn't seems too well liked tho! Hope you enjoy the next part (should be here before Christmas) and tahnks again! Bwye!!\:D

jenniegoldyAug 24, 2007

ok thanks!\:D

Aquaprinc3ssAug 24, 2007

Hey Dannii, would you like to be in my legecy? I have Pam in it and Sam (gamecubesam) will be joining it too. I'm just asking\:D

jenniegoldyAug 23, 2007

hi for Azelias teenage b'day could you please tell me where you got the square cake from? thanks! i reely enjoy your storise!\:D

kitfu11Aug 23, 2007

Thanks for commenting again! And yeah, I dunno what is up with Aimee, maybe she is senile lol! And yeah, I can't wait for Tommy to get a girl too! Though as soon as I moved him back into the legacy house he actually had the want to have first kiss and first woohoo, so once I get a chance to play again I will hunt him a girl and get to work with those babies! \:D

binky13Aug 22, 2007

Thanks for the comment on my story, and yes Prudence is pregnant not just chubby. \:P

converse02Aug 22, 2007

Thanks for commenting on Beauty in the Broken, sorry if it was confusing... Im not all that great at writing stories just yet. But I will try my best... next part out in about a week er so that is if life doesn't get in the way for too long.\:\)

wilhelmina81Aug 21, 2007

Hi and thanks a lot for commenting on my Nymphaerie legacy... I love to receive such great feedback. \:D

tdyanndAug 21, 2007

Nah, it's not the end yet. I'm really having fun with this one! \:\)

tdyanndAug 21, 2007

OMG! I seriously peed myself laughing when I read your comment! IT WAS AWESOME! \:D

JirkaAug 20, 2007

Thank you \:\) I'm glad you like my work

kitfu11Aug 20, 2007

Hey! Thanks for commenting again! Glad you are liking it so far \:D The next part should be out today or tomorrow. End of collge woo!

newbie.t.Aug 19, 2007

Hmm, let's summarise the comment you left for me: You told me you hate me and called me a nincompoop. That cover everything? \;\) Oh and some stuff about my story, too. Thanks for that bit! I can't say what the question was, but I hope there were enough clues to figure it out. Poor Swindle, he's just a lost little boy on the inside... Don't expect him to change completely though! And I'm far from finised with messing him up! Mwah hah hah!! \:cool\: Thank you, I'm really pleased you enjoyed it! \:D

djcryssiecAug 19, 2007

Thank you for reading The McCartney Family. Unfortunatly due to a problem with a lost neighbourhood I won't be able to continue the story any further. I lost everything. I hope to start a new story with a new neighbourhood soon. Thanks again for your support. Siany.

Simul8ingAug 19, 2007

As per your request I just wanted to let you know I have published Part 2 of Brandi's story. You can check out her tale by following the link on my main blog page. I'm looking forward to your comments.

kitfu11Aug 19, 2007

Hey! Just letting you know the next part of the DeLancy Legacy is out (finally)! Hope you read and enjoy! \:D

binky13Aug 18, 2007

Thanks for the comment on my story, Lyllia's dress is from \:\)

tdyanndAug 18, 2007

The house came from Parsimonious, I don't remember the name, but I know it's on one of the first few pages. If that helps? Thanks for the comment on my story, though! \:D

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