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spooneroonAug 13, 2007

Hi! The next part to Redo That House is now out. \:D I hope you like it \:rah\:

newbie.t.Aug 13, 2007

Hi Dannii, thank you for commenting, I love reading essays! First, the only reason I didn't send you a message is because it was on the front page! I'll try next time! The Judgement trial was fairly easy on the surface, but as Harquay found out, the real test of Judgement is listening to all angles, not just your own. And you're onto something with the meaning of life question - I'll try and elaborate a bit more in the next part but you are absolutely right. Basically, it's not that there is NO answer, there are MANY answers. Confusing, n'est pas? Gonna take my pictures for the next part today (it's not quite as action packed though!) Thank you for your comment and your kind feedback! \:\) \:\) \:\)

Aquaprinc3ssAug 13, 2007

Hey thanks for commenting on my story It might be a few days till the next part is up though since I'm a slow writer but meh\:D

HellfrozeoverAug 11, 2007

Hiya, thanks for keeping up with the story\:\) ! I should get the next part done a bit quicker since I have no money to go out and don't get payed for another week or so lol. HFOxx

newbie.t.Aug 11, 2007

[Looks at below message and remembers to send Lex's cheque in the post \:o \:D ] Hi Dannii, I'm glad you found my thread entertaining. Honestly, I don't know who all these strange people are that keep leaving messages there, but I have to reply, otherwise they might do something drastic, like escape from their asylum and come find me. \:eek\: Loved to hear your comment on my piccy, sorry to hear your aunt has such limited views. I think most people who think like that have never actually met a gay person. It's easy to hate someone who is nameless and faceless, but much harder when it's a person you know. Ah, the old 'the children will catch gayness' argument. A classic! My other fave is 'the children might get a bit picked on, so let's keep them in an orphanage instead'. Well, I've rambled on long enough, so thank you for your lovely messages and good on you! \:\)

lexiann123Aug 11, 2007

Thanks sooooooooooo much for the link!\;\) Yes, Newbie T. is hilarious! I love his humor!\:D

lexiann123Aug 11, 2007

Well thanks! My life makes me want to really think about making good stories that have morals and things that really can happen to you. I just love to make stories that have a great effect on people. No i haven't read those if you dive me the link I will! BTW I definately consider you a friend in real life and on here. So of course you an consider me as a friend on here! As long as wetalk a lot and we get along I consider you and anyone else a friend! \;\) \:D

lexiann123Aug 11, 2007

You're not weird!\;\) Yeah my parents have been divorced for two years now so it's nothin new. My dad has a girlfriend who gossips WAY TO MUCH! My mom absolutely HATES her which makes things a little harder. When our parents broke the news to us I started crying uncontrolebly and my sis didn't seem to care at all of course she was only nine and didn't show a lot of emotion like me. My mom and dad were always fighting and it so embarrising because I would have friends over and we would be playing in our basement and they would always have to hear it the yelling.\:\( I went through a dramatic life and I made some bad choices but now I'm great and I'm stronger!\:D

lexiann123Aug 11, 2007

Why must you torture us!!!!!!!!!\:mad\: \:P I can't wait to read it! I checked out the two links you gave me and I thought the sim one was pretty sad ad the other one well I just didn't really get it? Sorry!\:\( Anyways the next part of Why do you Judge me wll be out either tuesday or wednesday I promise!\;\) Sorry it's taking so long I've been real lazy about it. My parents are divorced so I'm at my dad's house which means I can;t finish it because for the fact that I don't have the sims 2 downloaded on his computer!\:\( \:\( I can't wait for tomorrow cause I'm going camping! I'm so phyched!\:rah\: \:P What are your plans for the week?!\:confused\:

kitfu11Aug 11, 2007

Hi Dannii! Glad you read and liked my story "The DeLancy Legacy"! \:D I am making the next part now, so it should be out in a couple of days I hope and will let you know when! P.S. I can't wait until the next/last Roxy chapter is out! \:wub\:

mirakeAug 10, 2007

Thank you so much for your nice comment on my green girly room \:\) Most appriciated \:wub\:

KayleenaGAug 9, 2007

Haha. Eventaully, you'll see Ian's face. And actually, picture 31 on the 8th part doesn't show most of his face. There is a picture that shows more of his face than any other picture. But I'm not going to tell you which one it is. \:P But I still promise the the first picture that shows his face, will show his entire face from a face to face view. And you will love it. \:D

S.CainsAug 9, 2007

Hi. Rich Girls: Lost is out now, I hope you enjoy it \:D

tdyanndAug 9, 2007's not the end of "The Garage" by any means, but the end of the part. \:\) I've huge plans for this story! I feel like there will be many parts... \:\)

lexiann123Aug 8, 2007

yes I actually have two!!! heres one and heres the other one they're both sims 2 vids make sure that you read the description of the vids so you'll understand it more! I don't think the patch works, but I think I downloaded the wrong thing so I'll look for it.\;\)

newbie.t.Aug 8, 2007

You don't have to worry about boring me, I am so flattered to read such wonderful feedback, it really makes my day! I'm very pleased I made you laugh, I do try not to have everything too dark (although they don't exactly have too much to smile about, do they?). I'm enjoying getting to round out the characters and I'm glad that's appreciated. I feel like they were all a bit 2D to begin with, but now I'm getting to flesh them out and hopefully make them a bit more believable (and likable?). I'm starting the next part today (I dread building lots - I'm really no CycloneSue!) but I will let you know when it's finished and submitted. Once again, thank you for such a wonderful message, I really appreciate it!\:\) \:\) \:\) BTW See I can ramble too! \;\)

SpriingAug 8, 2007

thank you for commenting my pic !\:wub\: I did use a cheat called boolProp to get them \:P i write in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true when i´m at the block then i go to *make a family and when i´m there i press shift+N and you get more clothes !

elopgeAug 8, 2007

Just read your comment on my final chapter and had to laugh. I am normally the exact same way with legacies, I get to a few generations, then I decide to reinstall my games. I am SO weird like that, I feel I have to reinstall before each EP!! LOL!! Which is something I did yesterday, I reinstalled all my games and now I have a fresh clean start!! \:rah\:

elopgeAug 8, 2007

I used a custom eye for my founder, and was just really lucky that all the kids had those eyes. I have played legacies before where after a few generations one of the kids popped out without the custom eyes. I had made plans that if a child was born without custom eyes then I would just let them have another kid, but I never had to worry about it. \:\)

candyprincessAug 8, 2007

can you put the house on the exchange,i mean it does take alot of time to download from mod the sims 2 cause of their server

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