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TellMeSomethingNew's Guestbook

DarkBorderRAug 3, 2007

Thank you for your comment on my screen. I saw your screens, too, and I like them, your very perceptive and sensitive young lady (screen about love, expecially)\:D

lexiann123Aug 3, 2007

You are a FANTASTIC writer! Don't think I'm just saying that either!\;\) Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much for the comment on my GB and my story! That was soooooooooooooo nice!\:D \:wub\: The next one will be out soon and the second part of "Why Do You Judge Me?" Will be out tomorrow hopefully! Thanks again you don't know how much those comments of yours keep pushing me to keep going!\:rah\: \:D

newbie.t.Aug 3, 2007

Thank you for such a lovely comment Dannii. It was really stressful to make, but hearing such kind praise gives you the impetus to get on and make the next part. Thank you! \:\) \:\) \:\)

cariadbachAug 2, 2007

\:\) Thanks for commenting on my Vidcund screen shot. -Keep safe and happy- Jane.

Molly1877Aug 2, 2007

Hi, Thanks for commenting on my screenshot, it made me laugh. I know, I felt bad for the dog too. Hope you have a nice day. Molly

WigwogAug 2, 2007

Thanx for enjoying my Story, a bit random but...erm, Meh! \:\) Have a good Thursday!!

qvisnAug 2, 2007

I am glad you liked Erins story,it was my first try,i dont knoe if i will be doing anymore,it was just an experiment but i had a lot of good comments,so i am really happy.thank you.\:wub\:

HellfrozeoverAug 2, 2007

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it\:\) ! I should be working on it tomorrow since I have most of the day and I tend to like to finish things quickly once I'm started so it shouldn't be long. HFOxx

lexiann123Aug 2, 2007

Oh I'm sorry!\:o I didn't know that you liked it so much! I'm on it! It'll be out soon like tomorrow night soon hopefully!\:D I'm so happy that you like it so much!\:D \:D \:D

Simul8ingAug 2, 2007

Actually posting to your own blog is simple. Leah has a tutorial on how to do it over at simtales. Basically you get your screenshots and type up your story in any old word document. Which is nice because you can spell check. Then you upload the pics and copy and paste the story, before publishing. Simple and easy.

Simul8ingAug 1, 2007

I would go ahead and get your blog set up. Sign up for simtales, and join in in the forum. Even if you are not considered one of simtales writers you can post in the story thread that you have a story out on your blog. We all try to keep up with what is going on with other's stories. I am not sure what Leah's criteria for becoming one of the writers is. I was actually invited to become one when the whole wooplah started here over the PG 13 rating. If Leah hasn't gotten back with you quickly it is understandable. She is a very busy lady. Afterall she takes care of simtales, the forums, as well as trying to write her own stories. Not to mention family buisness. But I'm sure if you build your blog(which there is even a tutorial on simtales to help you do it), post a few stories, and join in in the forum, so everyone will get to know you, your stories will be read. \:rah\: P.S. What I did when I first started my blog was send a PM to my frequent readers here letting them know I wasn't going to post stories on TSR anymore. And asked them to PM me back if they wanted my blogspot address. I did have some requirements when I did these messeage. I only sent them to individuals that were over 18 just in case my stories were to racey. Anyway I love to ramble on. I think I will check out some of your stories here on TSR, and If I like them I will send a PM to Leah that your very interested.

Simul8ingAug 1, 2007

I was wondering who dannii was! lol no problem I will try very hard to remember to send you a message in your gb when my next tale is done. The short stories may be a while yet. Because I am not to the point where they effect my original story sims. But they are getting there. In fact I am about to go into over achiever writing mode, because I have almost all of my screenshots for my next chapters. Time to start writing about the present and futures now. Please leave comments, I love comments. With out them I have no idea if I need to improve. Anyway you should go ahead and register with simtales, the forum is nice and freindly. We try to help one another out, wheather it is help finding skins, or just an moral boost. I see you like to write stories as well. You should consider your own blog! I have loved being able to write about real life issues, and not being censored so much. All of the stories on simtales are enjoyable, and even though they would be considered PG 13+ they are no where near smut. Ironically I just uploaded some screenshots for upcoming chapters to TSR. So you may want to check them out, as a little teaser.

qvisnAug 1, 2007

Thanks for comment on my penguin on the chair pic,i agree those fish are hard to catch but i will give my penguins anything they want.\:wub\:

simmyfan2852Jul 31, 2007

Hi! I'm glad you like my Extreme Homemakeover stories \:\) I submitted the second part earlier today, and it should be published tomorrow. Happy simming \:D ~simmyfan2852~

elopgeJul 31, 2007

Hi again! *big wave* I am so glad you enjoyed the latest part! I am trying to get to Generation 10, so only a few more to go! And Red Hair!! OMG! I am still thrilled!! LOL!! But not sure about Prof. Levi, I never did know what color hair he had.

HellfrozeoverJul 31, 2007

Hi again\:\) ! Chris doesn't actually realise that he's getting popular as he still thinks he's average looking and boring. He's pretty modest! The next part should be along soon. Thanks for reading! HFOxx

bananabug107Jul 31, 2007

thank u for commenting my story! i will be sure to let you know the next one!\:P

albabyJul 30, 2007

HEY DANNI. \:D \:D thanks for the encouraging comment about my new story. I really appreciate it! anyway, I have a question.. Do you think TSR reject horror stories (u know with bloody scenes)?.. well. thanks once again! TC. \;\)

newbie.t.Jul 30, 2007

Hi Dannii, thank you for another lovely comment! Hmm.. I wonder how I could make a hobbit? Perhaps dress up a child? \;\) Although there will be more fantasy creatures in the story. There's a satyr in the next part! Thank you for your compliments, I've never written anything in a fantasy setting before, and I haven't done much reading in this setting either, so I'm so pleased if I'm getting it right! Thanks again \:\) \:\)

qvisnJul 30, 2007

Glad you enjoyed Erins story,it was my first attempt and i never intended to carry it on,its a short story,not a series. i just wanted to know if i could do it.Thank you for reading it.\:wub\:

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