TrailRunner782's Blog
Woot! 100,000 downloads!!
Wow, I reached 100,000 downloads! I know for some people it's probably not much, but it still means a lot to me. It's so good to know that people enjoy my creations, as random as they may be. :) Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my things and especially those who have left me comments, it means so much to me!!! :DKeep on simming and Happy Holidays! :D
Stupid eyebrows!
So I was sitting here one day, playing my game, when I realized that none of my custom hair matched their eyebrows. It drove me nuts, so I decided that I was going to create custom eyebrows that match every custom hair I make. They may not come out right away, but I will definitely do them. Normal colors, weird colors, everything! :D Hopefully other people like this idea, let me know if you do or don't!Disaster!
I finally got Pets and Apartment Life the other day! I was all excited to play them when the unimaginable happened... my computer crashed! :( I lost all my downloads and some of my creations in the process. Thankfully I had backed up my creations, but for some reason now some of them aren't working in my game, so it looks like my Isis project is on hold until I get a new computer in. So for now I have loaded some of the EP's onto my laptop and I'm going to do some creating from that. I have created two new pets from two of my favorite cartoons... a large breed Snoopy, and Top Cat from one of my favorite cartoons of the same name! And once I can figure out how to create new pet coat colors, I will be working on the Pink Panther. :D So that's my update!Reservations of the Undead is almost done!!
Just wanted to update everyone who has been reading my Reservations of the Undead series, that the final chapter is almost finished!! I've been working a lot of hours, so it's taken me a bit longer than usual, but it will be done soon, and hopefully you're not disappointed!! :D~TR
New Isis project
OK, I figure now that I have the blog, I'm going to make full use of it. My new project is the goddess Isis from Ancient Egypt. I've already finished the skin tone and the eyes, so now all I have left is the clothing and her wings. I'll upload pictures as I go along and people can make suggestions! :) The first pic is just a quick throw together, I won't be using those eyes, clothes or wings for the final product.