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Tyty30's Guestbook

mrsimulatorAug 9, 2010

Hi!! I love your creations, the "Ewings" are fantastic! I am a huge fan and it is awesome to see them all again!!! There are so many Dallas Sims you can create, can't wait!!! Take care!

ZamokAug 9, 2010

hi and thank you for your comment \:\)

PralinesimsAug 8, 2010


PralinesimsAug 5, 2010

Hi sweetie\:D thank you for the cute comment on my make up\:D im glad you like it\:D i wish you a sweet day!! *HUGS*

StarryEyed281297Aug 3, 2010

Your welcome hun \:D Shes gorgeous!

AndyOSWJul 31, 2010

\:wub\: Thank you for your nice comment on my sim "Diego"! \:\) And don't forget: Have fun everyday! \:D

PralinesimsJul 28, 2010

You´re welcome\:D have a nice day,too! \:D bye bye\:wub\:

PralinesimsJul 28, 2010

Hi\:\) thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my make up\:\) im so happy o see you like it\:D i wish you a gorgeous day and a wonderful week!

zarmorJul 23, 2010

\:\) Bonjourtyty30, Merci pour le message et la version 2 de Laury Martin .   Bon week-end \:\)

GalloandreJul 22, 2010

Hello! Thank you very much for the info! And it appears others have been copied as well! Geez, what's going on with this person?! I'll see what I can do--and... "Imitation is NOT the sincerest form of flattery. It's plagarism!" \:\( -Red Skelton, entertainer

denizzo_istJul 21, 2010

Thank you very much, I've reported her. Have a nice day \:\)

Icia23Jul 21, 2010

thanks for tell me that, i don´t know what to do in this case, but i appreciate that you notice =)sorry for my english xD  

Icia23Jul 20, 2010


PralinesimsJul 20, 2010

yes i noticed it too! she steals from TSR creators! thats not fair! i dont know how to contact EA..i think they should remove her from the community...

PralinesimsJul 20, 2010

hi my dear! i want to thank you for the informations you gave me....i checked the site of this gitl on the official EA sit and ...yes.. its my lot there! iam so mad right  now! i will contact EA and tell them that she steals the work of several artists here on TSR! 

NiaJul 20, 2010

Hi, thanks for your comment on "Zip Tube Dress" \:wub\: Have a great day

Nygirl08Jul 20, 2010

I noticed that as well and it discusts me too, i know that immitation is the best form of flattery, but its a completely different thing when you don't ask for permission to remake something of someone elses, and to just upload it "as is" is even worse, i am far from flattered, its people like that, that almost makes sharing creations more hassle than its worth, but on the other hand there are so many more people out there that use our creations, more than try to take credit for them and i guess thats all that matters. Thank you again for the warning, though im sure EA will do absolutely nothing about it, i will make a note of it in my blog. A little venting is good for the soul. Have a great day! \:D

Nygirl08Jul 20, 2010

Thank you very much for making me aware of kedeidra uploading my lot. I have reported it on the Sims 3 site as plagiarism, we will see if EA deletes it or not. Seems like im not the only one she has stolen content from. So sad that it has to come to that! Thank you again it is very much appreciated!\:wub\:

lilliebouJul 20, 2010

=O Vraiment choquant. J'espère qu'au moins elle sera punie ¬¬'

lilliebouJul 20, 2010

=O Merci de m'avoir mise au courant que quelqu'un avait volé ma maison sur le site officiel des sims 3. Quel affront, je me demande si "kedeidra" a aussi fait le coup à d'autres personnes. Elle n'a même pas pris la peine d'effacer la description de la maison, il est toujours écrit "par lilliebou" >< En tous cas, merci, j'ai signalé la maison.

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