The Sims3...
This is my first blog text in EA:s The Sims3 site
"... So, well, I kind of tried to avoid this whole subject of the Sims3. For over a year I have been following the developing of the game, I've had news coming to my e-mail, every now and then I've visited this site but I always thought it's not for me. I still don't really like the looks of the new sims. My simmies in the Sims2 look so graceful compared to these new simmies that it'll take some toime for me to get used to them.
Meaning actually that I have decided to get myself the Sims3!!!!
Now that I finally got myself a new computer - just for me, no one else has acces to it! - and it is just for playing, I can have the game. With the old computer it was out of the question! It was far too slow even for the Sims2 and all the custom content of Shakesaft, Anoeska, Cyclonesue, lianaa, Padre, Windkeeper, perelinka, Cashcraft, linegud, Cerulean Talon, Sims2Sisters, evi, Spaik, froilan, Steffor... I hadn't realised how much I had the custom content before I transferred all files to the new computer!
Now, as soon as I get to the nearest Sims3 Shop, I will be finding out what will the creating be like with the new game!! Since I do love to build and decorate - as I do in real life as well - I was so annoyed because in the Sims2 it was not at all easy to make custom content by myself! I am no computer wizard so I never learned to do anything exept some recoloring of clothes. Therefore I am so amazed of the talent of all those great talented and ceative TSR-artists! It's thrilling to find them here! Can't wait what they'll have to offer!!!
I hope this will become an active & friendly forum.
See you, Valgrida"