Coming soon: Rue d'Arles!
Finally I am getting something ready!
I have built and tested two houses of my new Rue d'Arles Collection. One starter house with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom (Terracotta House #1, small lot, price 19.900§) and a two bedroom house with a pool & a new Maxoid Monkey's car included (Terracotta House #2, small lot, price about 45.000§). Those are ready to be submitted quite soon.
I have also tested the Bistro d'Arles, but found several mistakes in it and will fix the lot as soon as possible. The Bistro is a mixture of a French outdoor café and an English pub. There's also a small food store included.
Rue d'Arles is a collection of lots built in a provencal / Southern French style. In real life spent a lot of time there 5 - 10 years ago: Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Arles, Camargue and I like the houses that seem to have grown from the landscape. It just can't be denied that there's a certain charm in that area. The warmth and the rythm of life is something quite different than here in the north where especially in the winter time you definitively need to get back in as soon as you've "tasted" the air outside... rain, dark hanging clouds, daylight that lasts only 4 hours... I have to say, though, that Le Mistral was quite a cold surprise and the provencal winter can be quite tough, too. But actually all this has nothing to do with the new lots! I'll submit a couple of screenshots so that you can see (if anyone is interested...!?!) what the new look is like!
There will be more houses and more community lots in this collection. I have several ideas, but once again my work is seriously damaging my sims2-creating-time...!! No, actually one should not say that because having a job is something to be happy about, don't you think??!!
Thank you Cyclonesue again for the very beautiful wallcolors and my everlasting favourite the invisible driveway. And thanks to Maxoid Monkey as well, I like the new car a lot!!!
A bientôt, mes ami(e)s!!!!
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