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Valgrida's Guestbook

IdrielOct 4, 2008

You are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by at my guestbook \:\)

sallyhailsSep 26, 2008

Hi Tiina, thanks for your lovely comment on my Mono Living Room, I'm really glad you like it. How's your daughter? I hope she's on the road to recovery. Happy campaining\:D Sally\;\)

sallyhailsSep 22, 2008

I have the same problem\;\)

sallyhailsSep 19, 2008

Hehehe, I expect an invite to see you when you become president too!\;\)

sallyhailsSep 16, 2008

I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter, I hope she gets well soon, my thoughts are with you, on the other exciting that you're running for council, you would definatly have my vote\:D You'll have to let me know how you get on. I see you got AL, mine came last week so I've been playing that, I love all the new actions they've put in, some of them are quite sweet, the one where they swing the kids around is my fav so far.\:D

sallyhailsSep 15, 2008

Hi Tiina, thanks for taking a look at my screenshot, how's your daughter? I hope she's better\:wub\: Sally\:D

maxi kingSep 15, 2008

\:wub\: Thank you for your nice comment on my pic!\:wub\:

lirunchikSep 14, 2008

Hi, Valgrida \:wub\: Thanks so much for your nice comment on my Felicity house. I'm happy to know you like it so much! \:wub\: Have an amazing time playing! ~~Marina

moonangel2804Sep 9, 2008

\:P I just love your work... thank you for sharing it with all of us...\:D

charraySep 8, 2008

You are an amazing artist. I love your work. Thanks for sharing. \:rah\: \:\) \:\)

lirunchikSep 5, 2008

Hi there, Valgrida! \:rah\: Thank you very much for your nice comment on my White Eternity set. I'm so happy you do love it so much! \:wub\: Thanks for appreciating my work. Have a great weekend! ~Marina

IllianaSep 1, 2008

Hello again Valgrida! Thank you once again for a stellar Guestbook entry. \:wub\: I do adore your kind compliments about my work, and appreciate someone who understands the value of good gameplay in just make me want to build even more. LOL! Happy building to you, and have fun! - Illiana

IllianaAug 30, 2008

Hello Valgrida! I am honored to have an artist of your caliber compliment me on my Beach Lots tutorial. \:wub\: I am so glad you were able to learn something new, and hopefully it will help you build the perfect beach lot without any problems. \:D Thank you for the lovely guestbook entry! It certainly made my whole day. \:\) - Illiana

miros1Aug 27, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my Mailbox Set!

QaenAug 25, 2008

thank you so much for you congrats me \:wub\: have a great day

hrekkjavakaAug 25, 2008

Hi there, thank you so much for your comment in my GB! Hugs - Hrekkjavaka\:wub\:

SpaikAug 22, 2008

Hi there! Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my Erica build set. I so appreciate it. \:\) Silvia

sallyhailsAug 22, 2008

A super computer would be fab\:P But I think the computer I have now is more powerful than anything I can buy over here, I have a pretty powerful pc and I upgraded it with the top video card, I just don't have the patience to wait for the game to load so when it does crash (which isn't very often) I get really annoyed.\:D

sallyhailsAug 20, 2008

Hi Tiina, good to hear from you, the rain is finally starting to disappear, the sun is actually out today for the first time in about 6 weeks\:D I did buy the Ikea SP and I'm gonna buy apartment life, I also don't know if my pc can handle it, we'll see, I hope so. I've been trying to get my downloads folder under control, my game has become really slow and crashes, I keep thinking I'm being really good and deleteing loads of stuff but then when I check the size of my downloads folder I can't seem to get it below 4.5GB, I'm aiming to get it down to 3.5GB cause my game runs ok then, guess I've got to be a bit more ruthless\:o How come you're gonna be too busy for simming? Do you have any more art shows coming up? Speak soon\:wub\: Sally\:P

Cerulean TalonAug 19, 2008

Hello Valgrida, \:rah\: I am very flattered that you liked my Silver Dramatic Entrance gown enough to download it. Thank you for that fabulous comment. It gave me a smile and was really appreciated! Smiles & happy wishes, CT \:wub\:

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