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Volvenom's Blog

Stranda download available on mts

Then finally my world is available on modthesims, and with a star as well. Thanks a lot for that. It took a lot of time and effort to get the result I wanted. 2 years doing one project almost every day is a lot of work. Download, description, pictures and requirements: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=516078

Finished my big world

Since my 2 year project Stranda World is now finished I have more time to build houses. I have downloaded a program to select what exp and stuff packs to use on projects, it will hopefully make my houses more accessible. I'm thinking of a little world for more old fashioned houses, I'm hoping to make it basegame as a map and then possibly make fitting houses for it as I go. I can't tell you when I will be finished with that. A tiny world I made earlier only took my a couple of days. I hope for a small map possibly, or perhaps even medium.

New big project coming up

I just wanted to be up front this time since I can't comment in people's guest books. What I post is always spam for some reason. 

Therefore I just want say thank you to everyone who comments on my new house or any previous houses I may have done. 

If you want to know what's coming, here is the video of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYltXgzl2m8&feature=youtu.be

colors and patterns

I continue to work on patterns. Not so easy to make those channels stick there. May have something to do with masks perhaps. At the moment I have a picture of a cream marble and brown wood interior from Lebanon in mind. I'm trying to make my pattern look just as gorgeous on the wall as the stone in the original, and have channels on it. I'm taking the look first and then I can work on the channels. My 2 first attempts tile wrong, and look dirty. I started with 3 row's of stone, now I'm on 4. Hope that will work. 

Then I have been working a lot with adobe's kuler color program to make adjusted and harmonious color scheme's. I like color so sometimes it just get out of hand. It's hard to find the right combinations myself. I have after all several thousand potential combinations. I have no problem seeing the math in color patterns, so why not leave it to a machine. After all they were made for math. When I paste in a HEX color it always selects the same set of combinations though, so I can see it's limitations. 

I have lots of plans coming up all the time. I'm working a lot with lines, airy rooms and perspective at the moment. Don't know where my world goes. I got it to work, but it constantly lose against my other projects. 

My floating house is up today, and tomorrow the new project unfurnished will be up. Now I'm off to furnish it. More info on my blog: www.volvenomtullarask.com. 

Testing Showtime

I have been testing some of the windows on my recent house. I don't think I will be using them again. Limited use for those. They very clearly say concrete to me, and that's not really my thing. Perhaps they would work in an underground eco house? 

Anyways I have started on a lot I can't upload here because of Awesims cornices. It's a villa I saw in Rome. I'm making it a Showtime cafe if that's going to work with performers. I'll have to playtest a lot. 

See the building before decorating on my blog: http://www.volvenomtullarask.com/

I found a solution to the sims3pack problem

I found out after some days that I can force the game to make a new sims3 folder, yes the big one ... by renaming the old packagefile game into that. I end up with double games, so I have to remove them from time to time, but I think it solves my problem. I can then just install sims3pack files in my temporary game after I have used my large library of package files in my big game. Lots of work perhaps, but making working lots, playtesting them, doing changes to them and so on. It takes so long time as it is, I can just include the conversion somewhere along the line. 

So uploading a new lot today. Hope everything is fine. 


Everything now needs to be sims3pack files

I got my lot rejected because I use package files. The only reason for that is they are deletable. Sims3pack is a headache to get rid of. I think it's better both for the downloader and for me that we can control ourselves what we want to have in our game. I cleaned my files and told the downloader what needed to be downloaded and what they could skip. Now you have to download all crap in a lot. 

Frankly I don't trust EA to be able to stick with one solution to that problem. They will mess it up in the next patch surely. Also Custard I use to clean the lots don't detect all the different CC in a lot, so even if I clean a lot, it won't clean everything out. I have used sims3pack in the past and package files, what's detected and what's not is all random. 

I won't be using sims3pack again, so then I won't upload here anymore. I'm sorry about that, but that's how it's gonna be. I hope you enjoy what I have uploaded so far. 

reinstalled files with old rig

I finally managed to clean out some old rigfix files I have in my game, so now I have tons of houses to upload. At least 2 houses now, don't know what I will do with the rest. I may still have some old rigfix files from lunasimslulamai, so I still may have some houses coming up later. 

Made a banner!

I finally made a composit picture in photoshop for my banner. Bought the program last summer, about time! :) So now I have to check out my terrainpaints and stone tiles for the 241211 - Queenstown mansion. Made those yesterday, some of the files are very big. See you :)

Trying new building piezes

I have downloaded the skew whiff set from Buffsumm and modern Ributji or what it's called, by lunasimslulamai. Playing around with those.

Made a funny little color mix and match this and that for a challenge at Livingsims. I mixed funky, modern, ultramodern rough(buffsumm), bohemian and some ... I had to use 3 colors: B06E89, 8FA334 and 8FB2AE. One of them crash if used in the wrong way. My fellow simmers at Livingsims liked it. I'm uploading the video now. I didn't really think about upload when I made it, so I have to make a new one for that. Youtube: http://youtu.be/FexOqJmKfaU

At youtube I uploaded a video of a house I called the Shew Whiff house: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqAAaq06MtA

It was my first real try with this set. Today I work on a house in Awesims Queenstown using the same set. It's more "wood and stone in a lake" house. Video may be uploaded tomorrow. 

Latest Headlines

Stranda download available on mts Finished my big world New big project coming up colors and patterns Testing Showtime I found a solution to the... Everything now needs to be... reinstalled files with old rig Made a banner! Trying new building piezes
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