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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

lisa9999Dec 16, 2008

Any time! I love your stories!\:wub\: Lisa

Charlene90Dec 16, 2008

Love your avatar btw\:D \:D \:D

Charlene90Dec 16, 2008

Well, i haven't been on thesimsresource on a couple of months and i didn't see your note before now, and i need help with all of all..!\:wacko\: I need too know wich program I need to make clothes and stuff to Sims 2.\:D i hope u can help\;\) Hugzz

eviDec 16, 2008

All my Best Wishes for a Joyous Season and a Very Happy New Year. Merry Christmas!\:wub\:

LivdudeDec 16, 2008

But do u have to swim?\:confused\: Or is it just an option?

LivdudeDec 16, 2008

When do u start swimming with the brace on?\:confused\: It must really hurt, my teeth really hurt as well (we both have a brace on, lol)\:D By the way, great story! It was great, really intense, but from all of your stories, the best one is Silent Fear! Good story and good twist at the end \:\)

Jaws3Dec 16, 2008

The BEST, BEST, BEST story I've ever read!!!!!\:D It scared me to pieces!\:\) And thank you HEAPS for the late birthday present. I loved it.\:wub\: Rock on, Warrayfinson!\:cool\: \:P \;\)

bosnombeharDec 15, 2008

Hey thanks. \:\) I've read it and commented, it was so good Warrayfinson, I'm always so impressed by your stories! \:\) Make sure to inform me when your next one comes out. :P

simslover123Dec 15, 2008

What happens in the silence or the night people???

Rabold8Dec 15, 2008

WOOPS! LOL! \:P I wanted to ask whether or not the "Night People" will be continued! Sorry! But will the "Night People" keep going? \:\)

Rabold8Dec 15, 2008

Hey Warrayfinson! \:D Welcome back! \:D How is everything? BTW, what does happen with the "Silence?" \:\)

DOTDec 15, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

Little Cloud Dec 15, 2008

Hey, I have a question to ask you (and yes, this is totally random, but my mother won't listen, and my friends don't know a thing about ballet). Okay, so I dance ballet, right? And I've been taking it for about 8 years now. But I wanted this year to be my last, cause next year, if I continued, I would have to gone on pointe, or toe. And I really don't want to do that, because going on pointe can really mess up your feet. And that wouldn't matter if I wanted to take ballet professionally, but I take it as a freetime thing. However, I just found out that for the class I take on Thursdays, we need pointe shoes. Obvouisly I am going to buy them, because they are required for that class. But pointe shoe's coat over 200 dollers, and I would feel really bad if I bought pointe shoes, and only used them for 1/2 a year. My mother said I could quit next year if I wanted, but I get the feeling she really wants me to continue. I want to quit though. I mean, I LOVE to dance, but I dance free-style, and I know enough ballet that I can dance free-style. So I'm sorry I dumped this on you all of the sudden. You really don't have to say anything, you can just send a note saying I should do want I want, but if you just read this, and let me know you read this, I'll feel a lot better. Thanks and sorry

lisa9999Dec 15, 2008

I love the new story!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: It was excellent! And as far as snow in simmer, one never knows with the way the weather goes. We have had snow in May before. Have a fun day! Lisa\:\)

Little Cloud Dec 15, 2008

Oh, great, I can't wait to read it \:P \;\) \:D \:cool\:

LuecyDec 15, 2008

Hey there , thankz for informing....nice scary story...\:D

LivdudeDec 15, 2008

U goin up to gran's tomoz?\:P

LivdudeDec 15, 2008

How's the brace?\;\)

LivdudeDec 14, 2008

Yer, but i watched Andre' Rieu with granny all night, it was pretty good. My B'Day party is in 4 hours time!

Jaws3Dec 13, 2008

Hey there! You're back!!!\:D That's good, that it's not that bad, I mean. \;\) Is it Livdude's birthday soon? (sorry, i was reading. Bad me!*slaps wrist*)\:\) Also, I have two new lots out, if you wanna take a look. I was also thinking of putting together a story type thing, well not really a story, more like a portfolio of my not-yet uploaded lots and seeing which ones people like most... \:cool\: Not much has happened since I spoke to you last. I'm still having friend trouble, but thank-god I only have one day of school left! \:P I got an award from my school, still don't know what it's for (i'm so baffled. maybe i'm the clumsiest student they've ever had!)... And yesterday I smacked my arm into the handle on a screen door and there's a lump and a big fat bruise and it hurts when I type, strangely enough. \:confused\: I know this is a long GB entry, but hey, I haven't heard from you in AGES! Anything new???

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