
163Creations 96,847Downloads

WickedMayesJuggalette's Guestbook

oldmember_Gabi...Apr 12, 2006

Haha, I just gotta say that I love how you use messed up sims to model your downloads. Very cool \:D

ead425Feb 16, 2006

not sure which gown you talking about. But thank you. I am glad you enjoy it.

pinkplayerJan 21, 2006

\:D I don't know about liking your stuff but geez those monster sim faces a re something to be proud of! Your stuff is good by the way! Love it

darksunshine1027Oct 22, 2005

hey!\:D thanks for the positive feedback! you are the first person who signed my guestbook!\:P i am glad you liked my halloween wall set, i wasn't going to make christmas ones, but now i definitely will!\;\) watch! you'll be the only person who downloads it!\:\) did you see my hatchet bedroom? i think you'll love it\:wub\: MMCL\:\) Emerald

Someone88Aug 31, 2005

y'r quite welcome! : )

yllotaAug 10, 2005

I made the hair... well sorta, it is a recolour of somebody else's hair\:o I'm glad u liked the alien skin =) And the little flag is from Portugal =P by the way we do have a few castles lol Anyway, if u want to chat a bit i have msn messenger --> sarapereir@mail.telepac.pt

paulajediAug 3, 2005

Thanks for the compliments! You might want to check out my website, www.simsepidemic.com PaulaJedi

christinahb18Jul 31, 2005

I am soo excited! Sorry it took me sooo long to reply, i haven't been on this site in ages! (I have sooo many downloads!) Anyway's I just wanted to let you know i love jessica rabbit too! And I promise to check out your site when I get a little more time! -Christina

darksunshine1027Jul 4, 2005

Hey! I love your stuff. I'm just jealous that I can't download it cause I don't have a subscription. It sucks. But being a fellow Juggalette, I love your stuff!\:rah\: Emmi\:\)

~SilverGirl~Jun 22, 2005

Hi! Yea, you can use all of my creations in screenshots.

Buffy_SJun 20, 2005

Thanx for signin my GB!\:D I'm gonna to continue do eyes! Continue doing your hilarious sims!! \:rah\: Are your cats in your avatar??? They're so cute!! And yes my avatar is real, a real cat and a real dog\:D \:D

DarNee4Jun 14, 2005

\:rah\:Hi! My daughters--Ann, Sarah and Theresa (17,15,& 12) all love ICP and my eldest daughter Ann collects all the CD's and "Joker Cards". She will be thrilled that you put ICP in Sims 2 as she likes to play my game--but she's such a "joker" herself that she makes all her characters outragious--wearing mime and clown make up and the such! By the way, she juggles and wears jester make-up to school and sometimes to work! She's a curtesy clerk at a grocery store and sometime with the permission of the customers, she juggles their oranges and apples for them as entertainment! Keep putting more ICP stuff in Sims Rescource, please! We love it!!

Big Bad SharJun 10, 2005

Of course you can recolor my stuff, I'll think about Jessica Rabbit \;\)

CazkiwiJun 9, 2005

Sorry I took so long, I've sent you a PM on here with details =o)

svetica7Jun 8, 2005

Thanks for letting me know! I can't wait to download them! Love, S. \:wub\:

Big Bad SharJun 8, 2005

Hi! \:\) Of course you can use my stuff in previews \:\)

Betsy4artsJun 7, 2005

\:wub\: Of course you can use anything that I make for your screenshots!!!! I am a screenshot addict. I always look for any of my things in others' shotws!!! Have fun!!!

Dr. MacabreJun 5, 2005

Yea I have plyed both Duke Nukem, and Duke Nukem 3D. Both are hot games, but since I loaded XP, can't run them anymore...\:rolleyes:

oldmember_HannahKateTJun 4, 2005

I'm glad someone has a sense of humor around here.

CazkiwiJun 3, 2005

Hiya again! I made the rainbow skin myself, but haven't uploaded it. I can send you it if you want a copy =o)

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