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WickedMayesJuggalette's Guestbook

twizzlehomizzleMay 31, 2005

I have 2 PCs, 1 is my laptop, wich i use all the time. 2nd is the family desktop wich is really old and shitty. My laptop started to fuck up a few months back, when it didnt work i had to use the stale ass desktop. As of 2 weeks ago, my laptop has completely stopped working, due to some power issues, everytime i hook it up, it wont charge and it smells like something is burning. Like 2 months ago i sent you an email explaning all of this, i dont know if u got it or not.

VaygirlMay 31, 2005

Sure, you can totally use my eyes. I don't know how you make that thing hover like you were asking about. Do I have that over my stuff? lol. Anyway, feel free to use anything of mine you like for previews. I love your stuff, btw. I have quite a bit of it! Vaygirl

scal5May 30, 2005

I sent you a PM that should make you happy ;o)\:rah\:

SanityMay 29, 2005

Nice work MCL

law3May 29, 2005

Thanks, I'm glad you like the clothes - hope that free day comes up soon!

JFord047May 28, 2005

Hi again, I can't for the life of me remember where I got that picture it is very cute indeed. Thanks for your reply and keep up all the good work. \:D

scal5May 27, 2005

ok, I had to come back and tell you that I looke around your page ...and you not only have talnet you have personality plus...giggle love your Sims... you really add some fun to the whole TSR scene...woo hoo! ;o)\:rah\:

scal5May 27, 2005

hey wicked! thank you so much for your comments... I haven't been to TSR for awhile...you made my day...thank you ! \:wub\: I need to look around and see what is new... and I love your avatar... the cat is great with the lime ...giggle!

JFord047May 26, 2005

Just thought I'd pop in to say that I simply lurve your "model" sims so funny. \:D

mereltjeMay 24, 2005

was nice to read the note you left in my guestbook\:\)

mjazzyMay 24, 2005

Hey, thanks. It`s really pleasantly to read such messages as urs. Btw, i took a pic from nick.com. \:\)

RubyStarMay 24, 2005

Thank you very much...I was dissapointed by the uploaded picture because it looks better during gameplay..but thanks again!~Jacy aka RubyStar

echo66May 23, 2005

My version of a jessica rabbit dress can be found for free at spiffysims.com All you have to do is go to that site, click on downloads, then type in echo66 in the box at the top of the page and enter or go. It will bring up every single thing I've given them and it's in there. Thanks for the comment in my guest book! Have fun. \:cool\:

clcny20May 23, 2005

thank you so much for your sweet comment on my pink velour skirt for little girls. your clothing rocks, btw, and your member page is cute =) glad you enjoy my work as much as i enjoy urs. \:wub\:

RobibipMay 19, 2005

Hey! i read your entry in my guestbook. i'm sorry, but i'm not able to make meshes...\:\) you can try to ask it to big bad shar or janna! peace, Roberta

svetica7May 18, 2005

That means only one thing: I'm expecting from you a new shipment of swimsuits soon! \:D

nablanablaMay 18, 2005

Actually, a cartoon characters set, Jessica rabbit will be the one of the ones I put most effort into though (wouldn't want to screw her up)

Dr. MacabreMay 18, 2005

no sorry I don't have PS2, so I can't play any ganes that don't come out for pc.

krelianMay 18, 2005

Thanks. ^_^ The lens color is done in SimPE. Any lens alteratons are done in SimPE. It seems complicatedat first, but is actually fairly easy. I figured it out be trial and error. you have to go to material deffinition, and then find the ones with the word lens in the file name. the attribute for color is stdMatDiffCoef, the attribute for the shiney effect is stdMatSpecCoef, and then the opacity of the lenses is stdMatUntexturedDiffAlpha. hope that helps

Dr. MacabreMay 17, 2005

Hi there. Just to let you know, a set was already done for psychopath reacords. (Excuse if I got then name wrong.) You can find it here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/items/ts2clothing.php?searchonfield=creatorMemberID&search=849310 Hopr this helps you out. By the way my friend who I made the set for doesn't play the sims, but she saw it and loved it. Who knows what the futer holds.

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