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WickedMayesJuggalette's Guestbook

oldmember_constanciaJan 28, 2005

Wow!! Great stuff at that site...but which one did you had in mind?? I'm going to give it a try.. \;\)

oldmember_constanciaJan 28, 2005

If any of them are mods?? Hmm...good question..gonna look into that first thing tomorrow...but at the top of my head...don't think so(yet)...But going to check it out..keej?? You forgot to sign my guestbook over there...\:wacko\:

oldmember_constanciaJan 27, 2005

Hi..it,s me again...I just wanted to let you know that I put in a english page..I,ve translated it as good as I could..would you do me a favour and go and see if there are not to many spelling-errors?? Thanksszz \:cool\:

oldmember_lomas90Jan 27, 2005

Oh lol. I dnt even remember signing phinx47's guestbook, it must of been ages ago.\:P

puterwitchJan 27, 2005

ya know, I used to make buffalo chicken strips, and I thought I would never have it again, but DH found me this "chicken" made out of vegetable and soy, OMG!! it tastes exactly like chicken, texture and everything! Now I can have my buffalo chicken once again, LOL. Blessings, Chanda

puterwitchJan 27, 2005

Hey thanks for the comments. I think you should go for the vegetarian thing again. Ya know, with me it has nothing to do with willpower. I just got disgusted with meat over a period of time as every time I ate it it made me think that it was actually walking around before. Really gross. it's like, when I bite into a chicken leg, it's like, did the chicken ever get an itch right there where I am biting? Also, I used to work as a med assistant years ago, and an open gaping wound has the same smell as a piece of steak ont he counter, that'll get ya goin' huh? LOL.I actually eat better now caue I make really yummy recipes like speghetti and cheese and spinach souflet etc. If you like to join my vegetarian group let me know. Blessings, Puterwitch

puterwitchJan 27, 2005

Hey Patricia, It's not a mod. Also, I am a computer tech, and if you like or if it will help I can send him an email with my business site link attached and tell him that it will never hurt your pc. Let me know. Blessings, Puterwitch

oldmember_constanciaJan 27, 2005

Oooh...I'm glad everything worked out for you...and thanks again for your kind words...You're one of the first I would like to know that I've been working on my own site\:rah\: I,m just an amature..but hope you would take a look and if you like it you could spread the word??? The adress is...www.freewebs.com/simstancia/ Ciao Patrice\;\)

oldmember_lomas90Jan 26, 2005

Hey there, Sorry i took so long in replying i had no idea i had a guest book lol. Anyways you must be a member of strangerhood other wise how did u know i liked labyrinth. My email is lomas90@opyusnet.com.au so feel free to hav a chat! Cya!

twizzlehomizzleJan 24, 2005

I was gonna send you a PM but it was asking me to log in to something, so i said F***K that. First thing is first. I'm not a lette. 100% lo, just to make sure i will check.....Yup. But i can understand why you might think that, playing the sims is like playing with cyber barbies. Well, I love cyber barbies. I just love games, and like you, i also love Rollercoaster Tycoon, 3 is awsome. It's just a damn shame that my PC sucks and it lags alot and i cant really enjoy the game. You seemed real cheery and excited when i read ur comments. lol. It's cool that my hallowicked t shirt caused such joy. That makes all the effort and time worth it. I can now see that people are interested in my work, unlike on the damn sim page where evertyhing got archived and i felt like no one wanted my stuff and it made me feel like i was wasting my time. TSR Rules! Anyway. I live near san diego, i am 21 and i am not taken by a man or a woman. lol. Single like the number 1. Yup, paying $2 for faygo is ridiculous, and they arent even 2 lts. I have only drank 1 faygo, blue moon mist. I have 2 un-opened bottles chilling right next to my Shaggy and J figures. one is Red Pop and the other one is another Blue moon myst. They go well with the red and blue makeup. Well, im starting to rant, so i'll stop. And you did not scare me (that much, lol. jk) Nothing wrong with showing emotions. If u have AIM, my SN is twizzlehomizzle and if u wanna reach me by email: twiztidhomie@gmail.com Later and MCL

Dark DelightJan 24, 2005

Hi! Thank you for the compliments \:\) It's my sim self from TS1 \:D

toriamosJan 23, 2005

I made the Steeler Set for my husband, and we are from Pittsburgh. I grew up thou in Redford, Mich. so I'll try and make some Red Wings stuff just not sure when. Thanks, toriamos

BitzyBusJan 23, 2005

The link is: http://www.sims2.thesimsresource.com/profiles/view.php?mid=730184 I think there are a lot of tutorials for BS both on this site and the official site (and many more). You export the hair you want to change and then edit the image to get the color you want. \:\)

lilaclaughterJan 20, 2005

I was wondering what that means--I only have high school french which is like having none at all! Thanks for letting me know.

twizzlehomizzleJan 19, 2005

OOH, First lette i have seen here. I love your avatar. If you are looking for cool PSY wear, i'll be the one to checkout. I'm in the process of getting all the things i uploaded to the sims website, onto this one. Over there everything got Archived, and i thought that was pretty lame. Later Days

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