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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Big house in witchy style, will be perfect for your supernatural sims, that's loving the nature, books and jewellery! On the first floor there is hallway, living room, kitchen with dining room and big cauldron. On the second floor you can find master bedroom, bathroom and three another rooms witch paranormal table and jewellery making table. If your sims get tired, there is a room where they can seat and enjoy warmth from the fireplace.
Lot Size(medium) - 40x30
Total Cost - 103 884$
House tested in the game.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1709824
ItemID: 1709824
Filesize: 178 KB
I've used Custom Content to decorate this house.
Please make sure your game is fully updated.
Please check all CC I used in the "Required" Section.
Please follow the install instructions below, when downloading.
Install Instructions:
Download the house,
Unzip files,
Copy files,
Paste files into your Tray catalog.
All required CC objects from "Required" Section go to the Mods folder.
Please don't put my creations behind paywalls.
Please don't put as your own.
Please don't reupload without my permission.
Please always put a link to my creation on TSR.
Credits: All TSR CC's Creators
- Value: 103.884
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 4030
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Alectoris Pillows
- X-Mas Industry Endtable
- Alectoris Bed Blanket
- Incantatrix Small Box of goodies #8 - Flowers vase
- Attic - Frames
- Sabrina. Ten Candles
- Ivy Vertical 20
- Hot wind ceiling lamp tree trunk
- Ye Medieval. Molly. Candles, v2
- Attic - Suitcases pile
- Ivy Horizontal 11
- Ye Medieval Red Dragon Tavern Bookshelf
- kardofe_Dystopia_Books
- ArcaneIllusions AlchemyLab - chrystal ball lamp
- Witchy Books
- Arcane Illusions - Taverne Set - Candlestick
- Chalet II - sofa pillow
- Rough Wooden Planks