Xodess's Blog
Probably not going to upload anything more to TSR, seeing's how all the effort I put into finally figuring out TSR WORKSHOP, and making items and taking pictures, everything gets rejected. So whatever. I'm done.
Deleting Sims.
Hey guys, I am deleting my Sims games right now because I need to take my computer in to get fixed... so there won't be any updates from me for a while. My creations will still be available for download though, so keep downloading them. x Thank you for your wonderful comments too.
I could never figure out how to use TSR workshop for Sims 3 clothing, so I decided to redownload mostly all of the Sims 2 games... && started using the bobyshop today. I have to say... it's definitely easier than the workshop lol. :)x
I think I may like being a designer... kinda a designer, anyway haha. XD