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Six feet under

So... the tomb is finished :D! After creating it I thought that u where supposed to have a story behind it and so I wrote one. later on I realised that it wasn't necessary and it took up a lot of space in the lot-description and so I will simply write it here in case anyone would be interested :)

(I know I'm not much of a writer so plz don't judge it to hard)

"The legend says that this old graveyard was once the location of a great and beautiful castle. A rich castle which held a library containing all the knowledge in the world. Once this castle was ruled by a kind and wise queen who was the mother of four daughters. The youngest one of these beautiful and bright girls appeared happy on the outside but was secretly holding a grudge against her older sisters because they all stod before her in line of inheriting the throne. And so the young princess started searching for a way to get her hands on the castle. One dark and cloudy night the princess stumbled over a long forgotten book in the castles library, a book which should have been left forgotten. In the big leather bound book the princess soon found a spell, a spell which supposedly gave the caster eternal life! Without thinking twice, and without reading all the consecvenses, the excited girl saw all her dreams withing grasp and so she started casting the long and complicated spell. After hours in a trance like state the spell was finished, and as the last word left the young princess lips, so did her life. The girl dropped to the ground only to take a new breath before she had even touched the ground, quick as a cat she jumped back up just as the earth started to move! walls were caving in and from far away corners of the castle servants and guards were screaming for their lifes. The reborn princess left the room with a evil smirk on her lips, a smirk which revealed her newfound teeth, teeth which were trembling to feel to warmth of fresh blood. And so the princess became the ruler of the castle as it stopped moving and started adjusting for it's new location, six feet under..."

PS: I have intentionally made this tomb a bit harder then the original ones in TS3 simply because I found them a bit to simple at times^^

NeoFusion ∙ Jan 13, 2016

\:eek\: that story... IS AMAZING!! \:\)\:wub\:

Lezibeth ∙ Jan 30, 2013

Hope you make another tomb... great story too

bebbybubbles99 ∙ May 26, 2012

did you think of that yourself? I'm awed!

posh12ru ∙ Feb 16, 2012


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