New Items Coming soon, Pinky Swear!! ^.^
Hey everyone,
Okay, so I haven't really posted anything for a while, and I was just looking at the downloads of my things just then and they've all done pretty well. So, I thought to myself "Why the heck aren't you making anything?!" so I decided to post why :)
Okay, so I finish school next week for my 7 week Summer Break (which I'm looking forward to very much xD). However, this also means that I have some important projects that teachers are loading on me to do on the break. However, being me, I want to get them done before the break starts, so I've been working my socks off trying to get them all done, and haven't had any time to do anything really. I bought Ambitions and few days ago, installed it, played it once and I haven't actually played since.
However, I have decided that: I'm going to get the most important/BIG projects done now and do the rest during the holiday, so that I can begin to make some items again ^_^ Especially eye contacts. I can't find any to my taste (which is rather strange, actually) so I'm just going to have to make my own. :)
I'm not going to be making clothing retextures for a while though, because I fail epicly at it xD. So, I think I'm just going to stick to makeup for now xD
Also, I'm hoping to add some more screenshots of my sims and worlds for you all, as I've had some good feedback from the ones I've uploaded previously :). I'd also like to show you what my sims tend to look like ^_^ If any of you want a tutorial or something, let me know and I'll see what I can do ^^
Okay, so I think I've covered everything I wanted to say...wait, one more thing. I am desperately trying to save my Kudos for a banner, so I'd really appreciate any tips on getting them fast! ^_^ I've looked at the table and, to be quite honest, I've had no luck xD so any help on that front would be grately appreciated ^_^
Thanks once again for downloading my items and visiting my page, and I hope you are all well ^_^