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Zayury's Guestbook

Angelbabe1983Sep 15, 2007

Hey! \:P Thanks for your comment on my Formal Collection 01 - Brochade. I really appreciate it, have a wonderful day and thanks again! \:wub\: Louise.

xtamadeaSep 15, 2007

hmmm, why not try posting your story on the sims official site? there was this story sbout the Xing Dynasty that I loved so much but it just stopped on the 4th chapter. I wondered what happened, did the creator (Soyokaze I think was her name) got tired of making it. It turns out that her 5th chapter got rejected because it had terms of child abuse and murder in it. Soooo, she tried posting it on the official site and it was accepted!!! if you want, maybe you should give it a try. It's a shame to let your talent go to waste \;\)

lildebbye75Sep 14, 2007

Thank you my friend for your great comments. The school was an elementary school created by C.M kira on the exchange I redid the inside with the lockers by RenSim, I found the vending machines on MTS the basketball goals from Asamo. I was a little disappointed with some of the pics, I used the ShowHeadlines cheat and the only thing it took off was carpool annoucements. In game It looked as if I had got rid all the talk bubble tails then when I uploaded the story you could see them in a few pics. I deleted and went through the whole process of cropping my pics but as you see they're still there in a few pics. To make a long story short it's taking forever just to take one pic for the next part because I'm doing everything I can think of to keep the talk bubble out of pics. Did the cheat change with BV or am I just crazy and it's working for every one else?

drewsolteszSep 13, 2007

I too, was looking for your story, sorry to hear it was not approved!\:\( Your shots look fantastic, esp. Grumpy! *sigh* Also the mirror, fantastic! Sure you do not want to resubmit? What a loss!! \:\(

xtamadeaSep 13, 2007

I was wondering why I haven't found your wonderful fairytales. I'm so sorry it didn't get approved... I've seen the pictures and it looks great.. the dwarfs are reeeeeeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyyy hooooooot... lol... I like happy, grumpy, and sleepy best. but what's wrong with having a sword??? I've seen it in a lot of stories. I've even seen people used it for swordfights and their story got approved....

lildebbye75Sep 13, 2007

Sneezy, grumpy and doc are my fav but like you said not one would get a no, I wouldn't even have to think about it, lol. Yes I saw this sword and want to buy every one approving stories glasses. How can you not tell that it was part of the outfit. I saw what you wrote on your page too. I understand why you don't want to create any more the excuses given for not approving were lame. I get that kids are on the site but not one person would find that costume too violent you got death by electrocution and drowning writen into the game for pete's sake. Let me quit before I get worked up again. I think I'm more upset about the story not being approved than you are. My friend, I can tell you put alot of thought and work into it just from the pics you showed. Did I mention how hot the Dwarfs are...I guess I said that already LOL.

AjoyaSep 13, 2007

WHAT!!! NO WAY YOU CAN QUIT NOW! That story looks AMAZING! And I just LOVE the pics! We have to find a home for this story!\;\)

lildebbye75Sep 13, 2007

The Dwarfs are too hot!!!!\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Love the whole mirror pic that was freaking fabulous, how did you think of it let alone pull it off? Snow white is beautiful and Z in the door was great, I'm glad you had told me the narration that went along with it, very clever her hair even has that bed head look you are brilliant. Did I mention the Dwarfs are toooo HOT!!! I hope this doesn't discorage you from doing another story. Depriving us of your fabulously twisted sense of humor would be a crime.

drewsolteszSep 12, 2007

Hi Zayury! Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on 'The Van Helsing-Chronicles-Introduction', it truly made my day!!!\:wub\: I love your comments! So nice to have more than a "\:rah\:" left...It means you read it carefully and enjoyed it!! I will be uploading the next part in a few days, keep an eye out! Look forward to more of your stories as well!!\:\)

jazzi04Sep 12, 2007

\:rah\: \:wub\: Thanks so much for the nice comment on my screen shot.

lildebbye75Sep 12, 2007

You and your sense of humor, not quite pg 13 huh. I'm almost done with the second part it should be up no later than friday.

lildebbye75Sep 12, 2007

Hey my friend, what's going on with your story, you posted before me and it still hasn't showed up yet. I can't wait to read it.

civetinjaSep 12, 2007

Hello ! Thanks for signing my guestbook! \:\)

rythmgitrSep 11, 2007

You have some very cool screenies and stories. \:P -Sheyza

lildebbye75Sep 11, 2007

\:D I'm surprised any one caught that, the foster parent pics did take a long time, I did it in the rain so that it would seem like a dreary, depression day, I removed headlines and plumbbob but a thought bubble would always pop up just when I was about to pause to snap a pic or Blue would turn her head back to the front. To top all that off lightening struck a tree and every one went running even those in hacked poses. but it was cool because the pose the foster Dad with the hat on and the foster mom in the orange dress was in was the panic fire look and I never would have used that if that tree hadn't been on fire. You catching details like that make me feel like the time I spend on my stories is really worth it. I started out saying oh I'll write for fun it doesn't matter if no one gets it or if any one comments but it makes you feel good when some one does. So thanks again my friend.

pretty_babySep 11, 2007

hello hello!! thanks for leaving such awesome comments on my creations\:\) its nice for a chnage to see someone say different things on each item\:\) its awesome and appreciated big time\:D

lildebbye75Sep 10, 2007

You always leave such great comments and catch every single detail. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I'm so glad you liked it. I have so much I want to do with Blue I just hope that I'll be able to tell this story the way I see it in my head. Thanks again for being so encouraging my friend. Can't wait to read your new one.

ticticc13Sep 10, 2007

\:D dear Zayury, hey thanks for telling me about the Victoria hair. ^____^ I appreciate it. Just to tell you also I already read the first two parts of your story. Just left with part 3. \:P Awesome pics, such neat storyline and I love the humor you added in the plot.

Nina_lorienSep 10, 2007

Hi Zayury! You're welcome, I adore your pics. I have read the 1st episode of your story and although I think I haven't posted a comment, I laughed a lot reading it. I think it's great \:rah\: . I'll go on reading the next chapters and leave a comment in there. Keep the great work. Hugs

QuengelSep 10, 2007

Thank you for your nice comment on my screenshot! The weather wasn't the best in the background, it just rained. Ahem: My sim jumped, because she jumped on her own built sandcastle! LOL \:o \:eek\: \:D

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