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Zayury's Guestbook

sweetcharmingSep 10, 2007

Hi! \:D Thanks for reading and commenting the final chapter of my "BLACK CAT" story! \:\) I'm glad that you liked it and I really appreciate your kind+positiv comment! It means a lot for me, particularly because your stories were one of the best+funniest stories here\:D Thanks again and have a nice day!

AjoyaSep 10, 2007

Yay Zayury! I'm so excited to here that you have submitted another story!\:D I'm very proud of you! Thanks a bunch for commenting on all my new screenies! They are from Bon Voyage is by far the best EP ever made for any of the Sims! And I promise I will get back to story writing...just as soon as I finish playing!\;\)

lildebbye75Sep 10, 2007

Thanks for your great comments on my screenshots. I'm so glad you wrote another story, You gave me something to look forward too, YAY!!!

lildebbye75Sep 9, 2007

How are you my friend, just dropping by to make sure you and family are ok.

ariesitSep 9, 2007

Oh no,thank-you for your fantastic story.U were the 1st to sign my guest book too.\:D

AjoyaSep 8, 2007

Hey Buddy! Just "Checking In" on ya!\:D

Eve70Sep 7, 2007

Just got your last pm. I'm glad your family is doing well! Did you read Drewsoltesz's latest? It rocks! I swear, if a publisher doesn't snatch her up, they're crazy! I've half a mind- well, that's it..I have half a mind.(lol)Thanks for the words of encouragement, you are a dear friend and I hope I'm worthy of you. Have a lovely night!\:wub\: \;\) \:P

NyellSep 6, 2007

I just read your story, and I think that it is COMPLETELY AMAZING! So funny, totally unique and interesting! I always thought that you should do one, and you didn't disappointed me at all \:\) I enjoyed in every part. Keep up the great work!\:D

NyellSep 6, 2007

I guess that I'll be around more often now, I had some obligations at college, and then I was on vacation in Bulgaria. So, I'm back, and I just had to check out your gorgeous photos... You're getting better and better, you're so creative! Have a nice day \:D

lildebbye75Sep 5, 2007

Lol, you're crushing my arm, LOL. You are too silly. Thanks for all the comments on my screenshots, I was testing out my settings to get the best clarity with out that whole stretched skeleton look, I had to go back and read to figure out which settings to tweak, you'd think I just started playing or something lol. To answer your question, you will see most of those characters in the story. The way you do your downloads I was very impressed, me I try to be that organized but I get to impatient. I do run a scan on my ea folder daily, I thought I was doing good by doing that but you've got it down to a science, no wonder your screenshots and stories are so good you pay attention to every little detail. My husband thinks I'm anal because I'm a-theres a place for everything and everything should be in its place-type person, I don't feel so alone any more, in fact I got to step it up a notch to get to your level lol. Thanks again for the comments, the advice and just being you. Happy simming my friend.

AjoyaSep 5, 2007

Good Morning to ya! It's always pleasant to see "True Simmers" up and logged on! Have a wonderful day!\:wub\:

sweetcharmingSep 5, 2007

You are very welcome!\:wub\: Finally I took nearly all pics for my story and I wrote maybe 30% of the text, so if I hurry up, I maybe can upload it at Saturday\:D Oh, and thanks for signing my GB! Have a nice day!

Eve70Sep 5, 2007

\:wub\: Hey Zayury! Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to write back, I haven't been logged in. (I've been watching Keanu flix and browsing at has a new movie coming out called 'Nightwatch'!) Thanks for reading what I wrote about him. I know most of that stuff from a biography on him my older sister gave me for my b'day in Feb. I really enjoyed your story and I hope you'll continue writing! You'll enjoy it as long as its for fun. Its when you try to do it for a living that it gets tedious at times. I've taken a break from the sims2 and writing recently. Well, I hope you and your family are doing well and had a safe holiday! Talk to you later dear friend!\:wub\:

lildebbye75Sep 4, 2007

That's one good thing that came out of this getting to organize my download folder, I had added so much stuff for my Model Search Story that I would probably never use again away and I had my things sorted as hair, clothes, and other so I really couldn't go back in and get rid of it with out going through hundreds of items now I have so many folders that my sub folders have sub folders lol so I know exactly where and what every thing is. I had three trojans and a virus that caused the crash so I up graded my virus protection and limit my cc search to insim. modthesim, liana, raon, peggy and tsr of course. I have created my neighborhood and started making the charters for a story ideal I have so once I start moving families in I'll be posting screenshots again. Thanks for asking, my friend. Sorry about the book i just wrote lol.

ticticc13Sep 4, 2007

Hello Zayury, thanks again for the lovely comment you left on 'Ash and a Single Rose Screenie.' ^__^ Take Care, Tic

AjoyaSep 4, 2007

Sure Thing!\;\) You deserve it! \:rah\:

AjoyaSep 4, 2007

Hey there Buddy! It's me again!\;\) Just dropping by to say hi and to give you 50 Kudos points since I love ya so much!!!\:P (Actually, I book marked you so that I can visit you often!) Talk to you soon!\:D

confideSep 3, 2007

Thank you so much for the great feedback Zayury, I really appreciate it! Have a good day \:wub\:

Lily Fairy2Sep 3, 2007

Loved the Cinderella series, please let me know if you're going to do more!! \:D

drewsolteszSep 3, 2007

I am absolutely flattered you took the time to read and comment on all my stories! Thanks so much for the wonderful input!! You made my day! Now that I am back from vacation, I promise to check out the other installments of your are a great addition to the storyboards...hope you post some more stories in the future!!\:wub\: \:\)

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