
35Creations 23,947Downloads

aamorgan05's Blog

3 Lots done

Ok yall so I got 3 starter lots done for yall, All i got to do is find some time to resize the photos LOL I know its been a lil while since i uploaded anything, but i promise I haven't run off! With the loss of SSg Jamie and trying to figure out what's best school wise and doctor wise for my 5 year old son (ADHD, disruptive behavior, possible Aspergers/Autism) I've been overwhelmed lol. So I'm gonna try and get atleast 1 of them submitted today so ya'll can enjoy my humble creations once again :) big hugs ttys


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Taking a small break to grieve...:(

Sgt. Jamie Jarboe has passed away on 3/21/12. I am terribly upset about it. I consider him and his family good friends of mine. He was shot by a sniper on April 10, 2011 in A-stan. For 11 months he fought the good fight, inspiring not only his family and friends but the entire world. The love and devotion he had for his wife Melissa and she for him is something we all can only hope to aspire to have. He was a wonderful man, hero, husband, father and son. I am deeply upset at his loss. He is now resting easy and at peace. I will miss his smile terribly. 

I had quite a few things I was going to post for ya'll, but with this saddening new yesterday, I just need sometime to grieve. I can't concentrate on giveing you atleast decent slideshows right now. I will be back soon. 

All I ask is that you all take a moment to say a pray for Jamie's family and also take a moment to remember what price is being paid for our freedom. 


this is a link to his page on FB. You can read of his story and the past year here.


I haven't fell off the grid!!

Hey ya'll!

I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know that I haven't run off! I'm currently in the process of combining my main sims site with my blog to make it 1 site...so thats lots of work lol 



I do have 2 lots im working on, 1 community and 1 residentual and a sim that i plan on uploading soon! so keep your eye out :) I'll be back full swing before ya know it :D big hugs everyone



I've made a Website!

Hey ya'll I've made a website for my Sims 3 stuff. Mosey on over and take a look and tell me what you think. any comments welcome! and no worries i'm still gonna be here posting my stuff! I LOVE TSR too much not too!



Thanks guys! bighugs


NEED HELP! please

Ok guys, so i'm building a "roughing it" kinda lot. I've made "tents" out of the A frame roof with doors and everything. They all work fine. I want to make the others like "apartments" so i boxed in the center of them with the door, put in the hidden marker and when i go to assign the door to NCP it doesn't show that option... what do you think i'm doing wrong? or do you think i should play it a while to see if anyone moves in? here are some screen shots.




IIt just gives the options - Lock-Set as front door- Add the ability to add triggers- Clone- Delete- Reset-  I've tried resetting and all but it just never gives me the option to set it as an NCP door. in game the lil rooms are black so the marker is working. Any advice would be appreciated! thanks guys

I'm Still Here

Hey Ya'll! Just wanted to let you know i'm still here and hopefully will be uploading more lots soon! i just got pets and like a silly goose updated and forgot to back up 3 lots i was making for ya'll...and the save games i had wouldn't work...go figure. So i may try to recreate the ones i had or i may just say phewy and start new LOL i'll try to keep pets items out of my lots for a while until i'm sure some of yall have the game and everythings good with it :) just thought i'd let yall know! big hugs ttys!



Hey ya'll! i'm super excited :) I just submitten my first entry to my first ever TS3 challenge on the forums hee hee :) I know I know...but hey don't forget I'm new to participating in the TSR community! It's called Maggie, It also will be published on the 15th. I have also set up a flickr account to post photo's of my creations and my "under construction" creations. I don't love the way they do the photo stream, but hey it works ;) Here's the link to my flickr site if your interested :)




I'm also working on a new lil home, it's in the under construction album i'll probably finish it today and start another one after the kids go to bed :D. I'm really enjoying my few and far between me time that i'm getting with all this TSR stuff :) I truly do enjoy doing this though, maybe one day i'll become a featured artist :D Well I got some house chores to get done and maybe b4 the kids wake from their nap I can work on my lot ;) big hugs yall


What I'm working on now!

tThis is what i'm currently working on. I think i'm gonna call it maggie :) what do ya'll  think of calling it Maggie?  All comments are welcome! 

Latest Headlines

3 Lots done Taking a small break to... I haven't fell off the grid!! I've made a Website! NEED HELP! please I'm Still Here WHOO-HOO What I'm working on now!
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