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abuk0's Guestbook

eviJul 7, 2010

Well, sorry for my english, by avi I mean this bear with ÿou better send me a comment"saying. Lovely!

eviJul 7, 2010

Your avi brought me here but as i see your work is very good! See you around\;\)

JerusalemiteJul 2, 2010

Hey fellow Israeli - I absolutely LOVE your persian rugs. Thanks for taking the time to do these. I've always loved rugs - can't have a room without them.  Have a great day. 

BBdoll3Jun 27, 2010

Okay, just had to send you something, and the Bear made me do it!  LoL  No, I love your bear.  I'm a Mum, Mom, Nana, whichever you want, but I LOVE playing this game, and I am soooooo hooked...  Started last year and have not put the dang thing down, do you hear me?  LoL  Game just about caused me to get a divorce.  LoL  Husband threatened to bash all my computer's with a hammer if I don't stop burning up his food, do house work, get my rest at night.  LMAO!  What can I say, and who can I blame?  The creators of Sims2?  LoL Have not had time to check out your creations, but will do that for sure.  TSR is so cool, also.  It's like, being thrown in to the middle of Macy's, JC Penney's or WalMart and being told to, "Shop Till You Drop!"  I love it... Does anyone know it they have a, Sims Anonymous?  I sure do need it.  LoL  Anyway, thank God for this game, as it sure does relieve Stress!  LoL  I wish I had this game before now.  Have a good one. :P  

tamilanMay 31, 2010

Abuko, i am old mum too, i have 2 childrens and 4 grand-childrens\:wub\: \:wub\: I love this game Sorry my english - i  am polish housewife \:\)

kamilka257May 12, 2010

oh, and I'm almost sure I've posted you some comments on your ceations already, but I totally adore the wardrobe set and the rug sets - they're so so cool and realistic, using them at my sims' home will make it - as I said - realistic and that's what I like about the sims - I can step into another world, forget about everything else, about problems, a pile of books with material to learn and be someone in charge, make my thought come "true", do what I would like to do in reality, but for example lack of money disables me e.g. to go for a ride in Hummer H2 \;\)

kamilka257May 12, 2010

hah :-) Btw I read your description about being a dinosaur - you know, my mum asked me if I'm not too old for this stuff as I'm not a school child anymore but you know what, who cares? if it's what makes happy, then whateva :P

kamilka257May 12, 2010

Ok, I'm sending a comment cause I got scared by the bear you've got in your avatar :P

metteaskeApr 29, 2010

I´m really pleased that you liked my little peeps of inspiration \:\) One never know if that will be taken as an offense or with a welcoming smile, but as we all have great pleasure of your work, I guess it´s payback-time \:\) I´m looking foreward to see, what you´ll come up with next \:wub\:

metteaskeApr 28, 2010

I thought you would maybe like an input as to find new motifs for you excellent painting-collection: Have a look at the Cobra-painters: like Asger Jorn, Carl-Henning Pedersen, Corneille and Karel Appel Or how would you like expressionists like Edward Munch and Emil Nolde? I believe you´ll be able to find plenty of interesting stuff there. As you know, I´m a great fan of your judgement when it comes to finding wonderful paintings, so it´s always a pleasure to see what you come up with \:\)

marilynmonroeApr 26, 2010

Thank you very much for cheering up. I'll start making TS3 stuff as soon as my school end in june\;\)

ziggy28Apr 26, 2010

\:D hello there, sorry not replying before now, I have been away... Thank you so much for the lovely comments you have left especially coming from someone who themselves make such wonderful paintings..I do love your paintings I wish I could make meshes to make orignal ones... Happy simming \:rah\:

madifuApr 22, 2010

i love all of the paintings/portraits you've created for ts3! i wanted to thank you! they're going to look amazing in my game! absolutely love them!!! :]

FlovvApr 16, 2010

I hope you will surf the net for many time. \:D I like your works! So make a lot of more stuff!

ColdButNotFrozenApr 10, 2010

I love your painting! Especially "Devil Trees."\:wub\:

HollisterCoMar 20, 2010

I love your paintings! Thank you so much for sharing them! Keep up the amazing work. :]

realworlder4evaMar 17, 2010

Hi again! Thank you for commenting back to my posting; it was unexpected! \:\) I was finally able to download the office wallpaper collection when the site provided me with the revised versions and they are amazing! I cannot thank you enough for creating these great downloadables! \:rah\:

SimsimayMar 13, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for lovely and kind comment! Have a great weekend! \:wub\:

skataholicMar 7, 2010

you must be one of the world's coolest mom! I think I might just be like you in the future \:D

spitzmagicMar 2, 2010

hahahah hey Santa LOL...I found the stuff I did, I did...hahhaha \:\)

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