alleylee2's Blog
Back from a short vacation~!
Went on a short vacation this last weekend (27th-29th) to the Anime Central convention! It was a lot of fun, and I have a lot of inspiration for some new tattoos and other things I'll be making for you guys!
Thanks for the almost 8k downloads, and all the lovely comments!
3k DLs~! Thank you!
I wish I had time to reply to each comment on my tattoos thus far, but here's a mass-thank-you to everyone who has downloaded/commented/appreciated the CC I've put here on TSR!
Tattoos to be released:
[ This is mostly a list for me to remember, but here's a list (so far) of the tattoos I will be adding to the site! ]
[x] FFXII Exodus esper glyph
[x] FFXII Ultima esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Belias esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Mateus esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Adrammelech esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Zalera esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Shemhazai esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Hashmal esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Cuchulainn esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Zeromus esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Famfrit esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Chaos esper glyph
[ ] FFXII Zodiark esper glyph
[x] FFVII Wolf knocker (Cloud)
[ ] FFVII Buster Sword
[x] FFX Zanarkand Abes symbol
[ ] FFX Remiem dungeon glyph
[ ] FFX Besaid dungeon glyph
[ ] FFX Yuna's summoning staff
[x] FFX Title Watercolour
[x] FFVII meteor
[x] Sailor Moon silhouette & moon
[ ] Sailor Scout planet symbols
[ ] Naruto village symbols
[ ] Naruto sharingan symbol
[ ] Fullmetal Alchemist - Al's alchemy symbol
[ ] Fullmetal Alchemist - Colonel Mustang's alchemy symbol
[x] Mockingjay pin tattoo
[x] Harry Potter Deathly Hallows symbol
[ I'm open to suggestions in the comments for fandom tattoos! ]