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alleylee2's Guestbook

murfeelApr 21, 2012

LOL!!! \:D Yeah, just a sliiiight detour for a few mont--I mean, days. \;\) LOL!!! ^-^

murfeelApr 19, 2012

Aw, don't despair; I've got a fair bit more Steampunk to get out of my system. ^-^ And I still have to finish my sci-fi creations and aliens--I keep getting sidetracked! \:mad\: Right now I'm doing Vintage and Shabby Chic lots, and as soon as I get them out of my hair I hope I can bring my focus back around to finishing the rest of my Steampunk projects before the Summer gets here. Cuz I want to get back to Fantasy creations for Summer. As long as my internet isn't cut off any time soon, that is. LOL! \:D

murfeelApr 19, 2012

Omg, those gambits were SO tedious, I agree! I think they were trying to do a throwback to FFX's Sphere Grid, but all the licenses were just TOO many, I feel. The Real Time battling was really amazing from a technical aspect, but from a nerves aspect it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, sweating profusely cuz my clumsy fingers couldn't get those commands in on time before the bosses creamed me! pfft! LOL! It was a whole lot of Aaa! Eek! Oh no! Wait! CRAP! Awww...! \:D ROFL at my own expense. But it was still SO beautiful, even more pretty than FFX and FFX-2. I loved travelling to the different areas, especially the cities, but mostly I'd get STUCK when I'd get lost in those daggone deserts and got chased around by T-Rexes! LOL! I LOVED hunting for the zodiac weapons, those were SWEET! \:D I got BOTH of the Zodiac Spears, after some hardcore cheating online to find out which chests NOT to open! \;\) I gave one to Vaan and of COURSE Balthier got the other. ^-^ I let his girlfriend cover the rear with the Sagittarius Bow, and I think I gave Penelo the Scorpion Tail. I rarely played with any other characters in my team. That guy with the evil twin was alright (forgot his name; didn't use him enough to care), but Ashe got on my nerves cuz she was such a diva, and I HATED Vaan, but he had such good stats that whenever I ended up killing Balthier by mistake I'd have Vaan come in his place, but Balthier was my baby. I tried to make a sim of him early on, and Fran too, but the CAW world I was building based on my favorite FF locations wasn't working, so I dropped the whole FF Sims project, unfortunately. \:\( FFX was my ultimate favorite though, no lie. I cried and cried and cried. \:D I loved everybody, even though I liked Yuna more in FX than FFX-2. Paine stole the show for me in FFX-2, though--Rikku put up a good fight, but Paine was my girl. And of course, Lord Seymour Guado was HAAAWT! ^0^ I was like--Yunie, forGET Tidus--MARRY THIS DUDE, or I WILL!! \;\) Lemme stop, before I start sweating! LOL!

AngelaApr 16, 2012

Hi there, thank you so much for your comment \:wub\:

ekinegeApr 12, 2012

Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Knit Top & Metallic Pants (Teen) - Set83".\:wub\: I hope you'll enjoy it in the game.\:\)Have a great day.\:wub\:

murfeelApr 11, 2012

Final Fantasy was my first video game too! \:D (My first computer game was Tetris ^-^). It was Final Fantasy Tactics, which I didn't really like too much--Tactical RPGs like Suikoden kind of give me a headache--I like Turn-Based RPGs more--FFXII was hard for me, because it was a LOT more Real-Timed than FFX and FFX-2 and I felt like the characters were moving too fast for me--I ended up Game Over a lot in FFXII. \:P And I think the Sagittarius you mean is Shemzai or however her name was spelled. I agree--the design was GORGEOUS--they were like the Aeons of FFX and X-2, but very different in design. Who was your favorite Aeon? Mine was a tie between Shiva (Mateus reminded me a lot of her--no wonder we were all confused about Mateus' gender! lol) and Bahamut, but Ifrit was cool, too. I couldn't stand those Magus Sisters--all of their attacks took 100 years to finish. And while I thought Yojimbo was COOLER than cool, I couldn't use him much, cuz my team was always broke! \:eek\: LOL!!! I have yet to play FXIII but I am very excited about what I have seen so far. FF is the best, hands down. \:wub\: It's been great talking to you!

Roseelf007Apr 10, 2012

i would love to see some tattoo recreations from Yakuza 4. .. just putting that out there XD

Roseelf007Apr 10, 2012

love your work

LilyOfTheValleyApr 8, 2012

Thank you for commenting on my Basic Spiral Stairs for Balcony. \:wub\:

HaraStrifeApr 6, 2012

Yay!! Alley! You're awesome! \:D

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