College Life Spin-off Update.
Hi, everyone! I'm writing this blog to give you an update on the College Life Spin-off I've been talking about. If you don't want to read this entire blog, just know that it won't be happening... Not exactly how I planned it, anyway. If you do want to read the rest of this blog, then I should probably thank you, since I would hate if I was writing this and no one read it. Read on for details..
Okay, so a few days ago, I downloaded the Compressorizer to compressorize my downloads. It was about 2 in the morning, so I was obviously super sleepy, so I forgot to back up my files. I was so excited that everything was compressorized, and I couldn't wait to get in the game. When I did get into the game, it was loading slower than usual. It took almost a half an hour just to load the game.. I don't know if I compressorized a download that isn't compatible, or not, but I realized that my entire game was ruined. I don't blame the compressorizer, though, I blame myself for not backing every thing up. I do still download compressorized stuff, so I know that it must have been something I did. It could have just been my computer, since it's a pretty old computer.
Anyway, long story short, I lost all of my lots in my neighborhood that took me hours (sometimes days) just to decorate. Now I don't have all of the items I once had, so I can't do the spin-off. I do, however, still have the sims. They look a bit different since I had to delete some of their stuff (like skins, eyes, etc) but they're still the same 'ole sims that they once were. Well, they got a makeover, actually, since they're adults now. Which means I can't do the graduation special, either. Sorry!
So, since I can't do the spin-off, I've been thinking of something new to do. Something that would involve Mia and the College Clan.... I'm so excited to get it written up and uploaded.. It might take a while since I have to decorate the houses for the story, but it'll still be up, no matter what. It shouldn't take longer than a few weeks since I have all the time in the world to play sims. (If you're wondering, I don't go to school anymore, I graduated, and I don't have a job. So I'm literally home [almost] all the time. Even when I did go to school I was home [almost] all of the time since I was home schooled.)
Anyway, thank you for reading this, and I hope you'll like what's in store for the College Life characters. If you would like for me to post a new blog highlighting what was supposed to happen in the spinoff, I happily will. Since there will be a bit in the new story that you won't understand without knowing what happened. I don't even know what all is going to happen, I just have an outline, so I know I'm definitely on the edge of my seat. It's going to be crazy, I can promise you that... ;)
xoxo Anna