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baufive's Guestbook

flody888Sep 6, 2010

I hope fall is better than summer too. \:D Can't wait to see yours (and EE's!) projects and screenshots! \:D Gosh, I wish I were so creative but it's nice to have sharing people like you guys around! \:\) Thanks! \:\)

flody888Sep 5, 2010

Hi! I just had to stop by and say thank you for all the great downloads and screenshots on your site! \:\) I really love the pole lamp (so different), the link to CB2 (nice!), the extra large coffee table (the one you starved for!), and, of course, all of the wonderful rugs!!! Honestly though, I think I just love looking at all the screenshots more b/c they put everything together so much better than I could. \:D In particular, I really love the dining room with just two chairs on that extra long dining table - very elegant! Your EE partnership screenshots are amazing too! Anyhow, just had to stop by and express some gratitude. \:\) Hope you had a great summer!

fredbrennySep 3, 2010

\:wub\:  Hi E! Your rugs are absolutely wonderful. I am going to do a fourth Dutch street house.. so... I will use them AGAIN!!! \:D

fredbrennyAug 28, 2010

\;\)Thank You! One more old Dutch lot coming up. I will need your rugs again! \:D

fredbrennyAug 28, 2010

The Dutch Street lot with your rugs will be out on Friday. I linked to your blog and I hope I did it right. Maybe you can check it at my minisite:    

fredbrennyAug 24, 2010

Good! I will use some of them in my next lot (Old Dutch again) \:\) Thanks! I will most definitely put in the link to your blog (studio5...that one?) This is so wonderful!!! Thanks!!!

fredbrennyAug 23, 2010

If I were to upload a house to TSR... could I use your rugs? With a link to your site? Let me know... I would understand if not... It would make my interiors much more special. (I am working on another Dutch ' old interior ' \:D

fredbrennyAug 22, 2010

Hi Eric, Thanks for commenting on my last screenshot! I have to thank you too, because I use your oriental rugs and paintings all thetime! As a matter of fact... I have to go and visit your blog  again to see if you put up more goodies! \:wub\: Take care... watch out for falling trees (So I read....) \;\)

QubeDesignAug 6, 2010

Hey Eric, this is a very belated thank you for your nice comment on House 1204.  Oh, and thanks so much for the great new rugs - LOVE THEM!!

flody888Jul 22, 2010

OMG! No wonder you're distracted! It's so great that youcan see so many bright sides to the situation too. Good luck through everything and do take care! A very happy, healthy, safe summer to you!!!

flody888Jul 19, 2010

OMG! A tree fell on you!??? I'd be more than distracted! \:eek\: Take the best of care and hope you feel better!! \:\)  Plus, I really loved the Orientalists update as well as took the time to click on the pics of your previews. Such a detailed, beautiful job! Bravo!

QubeDesignJul 19, 2010

Hey Eric, thanks for your nice comment on Granton Hall.  Your rug collections fits perfectly in it \:\)

flody888Jul 18, 2010

Hi baufive! Just wanted to let you know that Modern_Sims used your radar gun painting in her latest series of screenshots! It looks fantastic! (So do the screenies!) Have a great weekend! \:\)

fredbrennyJul 11, 2010

\:D I just LOVE your blog! Just spend some time browsing there and downloaded the absolutely gorgeous runners and CHARTS ...First mesh??? Great!!!! \:wub\: \:rah\: Thanks! I will be using them a lot. (Just like all your other rugs and paintings!!! \;\)

flody888Jun 23, 2010

Waitasec - your FIRST sim death? Oh, my condolences! \:\( (This is coming from someone who has Hand-of-God-struck-down many sims for various reasons. \:P )

flody888Jun 23, 2010

Hello! \:\) Yes, I saw that window and it is recolourable too which is fantastic! \:\) Hey, you kind of answered my (unasked) question about builders, creators, designers in the Sims 3 community. I don't know how you all balance playing with the other game activities. Although, technically, building, creating, designing are all play activities too. \:\) Oh, and good tip about the fire alarm in the inventor's studio! \:D You're so talented to be able to sew and put together real-life colours and patterns. Don't tell but I've been known to staple the hems of my pants! \:eek\: (temporary measure but... \:D )

flody888Jun 21, 2010

And love your little horsie or doggy avatar!! Whenever I get some money I will order one or two of your animals. \:\) They are SO CUTE and stylin'! \;\)

flody888Jun 21, 2010

Oh, and thanks for your new downloads!!! The mythic one is cool and some of it scary! Like one of your captions said, the images really stand on their own! Btw, I really took a look at your rooms and they are marvelous as usual! \;\) But so varied! It was really cool how you displayed each painting with its own room. \:\) Lots of work! \:eek\: Oh, and I thought I'd tell you that I've plastered those rose windows all over my lousy attempt at a church. (I totally forgot to put up any crosses too) LOL But I still LOVE those windows. I think I'm thinking that if I put it everywhere it'll look the way it did in your screenie. Um, not working. \:D Have a stupendous, excalibur of a week! \:\)

flody888Jun 21, 2010

Hey!!! \:\) Thanks for the MANY comments!!! Loved reading them! \:\) Yes, eight sims on vacation is not easy. LOL I mostly focus on one and let the others throw football to their hearts content (they play that a lot!) and then only pay attention when their pics turn yellow or red (as they forget to feed themselves or go pee!). Speaking of food and moodlets...I only wish I had a moodlet that said 'Stay out of the fridge or else!' LOL

fredbrennyJun 20, 2010

... Oh my... my keyboard is playing tricks on me...That should Be \:D

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