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beatifullie's Guestbook

ProwlerTyloJan 11, 2009

Hello: My favorite star is Sean Bean (Silent Hill, LOTR, and a million other movies). He is the one I like the most at the moment, and just about anything he is in I like. Well I always like him in it, even if the movie is not the best. My favorite movies, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Club Dread, Lord of the Rings, Event Horizon, Alien (All of them). Music, I listen to everything. I have rock, metal, country, must in other languages, instrumental, pop, R&B, rap. My Ipod has 417 songs on it and I have everything from Pat Benatar to Terri Clark, Aerosmith to Godsmack, Bette Midler to Offspring. Cyndi Lauper to Britany Spears. I like songs, I do not care who they are by as long as the song makes me feel something; or makes me want to move I generally like it; most of the time I do not even know why the are by until I go to find it to download. So what have you been up too? All set for Sims 3? I pre-ordered it, so I am all set for that. Looking forward to it but not sure how creating stuff will work. I love my Naruot Village and My Soul Society (Bleach), so if I can not make them there I will probably still play Sims 2. What about you?

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 10, 2009

Again me...the meeting was fun...I met like 15 girls all of their are crazy about Bill...we introduced ourselves and then they started to hang on the walls of the city leaflets and they made graffitis with TH symbol\:D

ProwlerTyloJan 10, 2009

Hello: Its cold here, been snowing a lot lately; not all that surprising its Michigan in January. That is pretty common. What stars do you like? What movies? 

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 9, 2009

Hi Martina!!!  Now it's 5 PM here...the meeting is at 6 PM... Yes I changed my avi but I don't know what banner should I use. Right now I'm trying to make one but I don't have too much inspiration...the only thing I know is probably I'll use a pic of Zero\:ph34r\:. I saw the video that you told me to's nice but I have a doubt...who is the singer??? Is Simple Plan????. Oh  you have to wait to see Twilight...that sucks but I think the "waiting" worth's a great movie!!!:  I'll talk you later\;\) Take Care\;\)  

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 8, 2009

You're welcome, I'm so glad you like it \:\) I don't know what I'm going to do in that meeting...I guess talk about TH... I'm downloading "Blood+", I have 37 episodes but I won't watch them until I have all the I'm waiting\:\) Yesterday I went to the cinema...I saw "Twilight", it's the second time that I saw it and now I like it more, have you seen it?. Take care\;\)  

rjmikamiJan 7, 2009

You are welcome! Have a nice day \:D \:D \:D

ProwlerTyloJan 7, 2009

Hello: Its alright I know how family stuff goes. My favorite is a crome covered comic, one-shot with Sabretooth that I happen to have found at a grocery store of all places. What about you do you collect anything?

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 7, 2009

You practice snowboarding?? wow that is so cool\:cool\: where I live there isn't snow in winter. I'm in summer holidays that why it so long winter it's only 2 weeks. Your summer holidays are they all July and August???. I think all we need VK game...I can't wait\:D This Friday I will go to a "Tokio Hotel meeting", I'm going to meet new fans of TH\:\). Did you see "Blood+"?? \:confused\: Hugs\;\)

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 5, 2009

Hi M!!!! Thanks for the comment on my "MCR Kids Bedroom", I'm so glad you like it\:D

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 2, 2009

I couldn't download the final episode of VK, it isn't available with Spanish subs...I'll have to wait. OMG damn Yuuki she chose Kaname...poor Zero.. I'm crying for him and my sister too..she told me "Poor Zero...his parents were killed, his twin betrayed him, he turned into the criature most hated by him and the only girl who loved...she played with him as her wish and the worst thing is that she chose Kaname, that is so misarable"\:\( . I totaly agree with my sister. I realy don't like this ending...I hope in the manga things turn out different \:\)

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 2, 2009

Hi Martina!!! how are you?. Yes...Shiki and Rima, this couple is so adorable. We are in holidays in my country until the second week of March (that is if you are in elementary school or highschool). We finished the school the last week of November. On the last week of July and the first week of August we have holidays too (the translation in english it would be like "winter holidays")and how about your country??. There is a celebration in my country called "Reyes Magos" (in english it would be "Magic Kings")on 5/6 of January...we recive gift in this date too, how about you? do you have this festive day? \:\)

ProwlerTyloJan 2, 2009

Hello: No, its not in any special place but I remember which one it was and the day I bought it. Its a good one but not my personal favorite. Happy New Year to you as well. Did you celebrate the new year? I stayed home did not do anything exciting.

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 1, 2009

I forgot something too important...VK ended??? I can't believe, I didn't know, right now I'm downloading ep 12, did you watch the final episode?? Who is the chosen for Yuuki?\:eek\:

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 1, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR MARTINA!!!! I HOPE THIS ONE WILL BETTER. I think the DVD it will be available the next week. I will try to get "Metro Dark", I can wait to read it. When I have VK game I will bind Yuuki to dating with Zero\:ph34r\:. Are you in holidays right?? how much days you have?? or when you start again the school?? . Hugs\;\)

Herzen & BlasenDec 31, 2008

Hi!\:\) Wish you and your family a wonderful New Year !!!\:D \:D

ProwlerTyloDec 29, 2008

Hello: I am fine. Yeah I have been collecting since I was about 13 I guess. My mom brought my brother a whole box of comic books home and he did not want them (I was 6 at the time), and she stored them in the basement and I grabbed them up and started reading them. I bought my very first one when I was 13 and could not stop after that. I just pre-odered the collectors edition of Sims 3, today. How are you?

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 29, 2008

jasne ani sa neobtazujes neco vymysliet .D

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 29, 2008

ano krasne z akej pesnicky to je? \:D\:D

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 29, 2008

aj tebe draha....\:\))))) dufam ze pekne kreslis \:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 29, 2008

You recieved nice gifts...that's great. My Christmas night was pretty good, I ate a lot of food like nuts, ice cream, "pan dulce" (the translation in english it would be "sweet bread", it's a kind of bread with fruits inside) and "asado" (it's a typical food in my country, basicaly it is diferent kind of meat roast, my brother cooked the asado), now I'll have to do a lot exercise. Here is the best part...I recieved a checked pair of trousers and a blue T-shirt (it's a weird blue but awesome). I didn't received my Tokio Hotel DVD because it isn't available yet. Did you use your "how to draw manga"? and how about "Metro Dark"? I read that it's a one shot it good?. Are you resisting??? that's admirable of you. I don't want a BAD END either. Did you know....soon it will available a VK's like a play with Yuuki and she can dating with Zero, Kaname, Aidou, Atkatsuki, Shiki or Ichijou. WOW IT'S A LONG MESSAGE \:D Hope to talk you soon\;\)

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