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beatifullie's Guestbook

ProwlerTyloDec 29, 2008

Hello: I collect all kinds, I have Batman, X-Men, Justice League, Thundercats, Martian Manhunter, all kinds. I have probably over 5000 comic books. Of course that is just a guess going from what I can remember, I have so many. My birthday is January 15th, and I plan on getting Sims 3, which of course comes out in February, and the Sabretooth One-Shot comic book. So those are my gifts to myself. ^_^ Now I just got to wait for February to get here so I can have them. :-P

maxi kingDec 28, 2008

\:wub\: Thank you for taking part in my poll!\:wub\:

ProwlerTyloDec 27, 2008

Hello: I got some comic book collectibles. I have a huge comic book collection so my mom gets me the collectibles, figures, and what not. So I got a bunch of those, got gift cards to use at Wal-Mart, Target, I got Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria Expansion. I did not get much, my birthday is in January, so for that I hope to preorder the Sims 3. ^_^ What about you?

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 26, 2008

OMG DID YOU READ CHAPTER 46 OF VK???, I just did it and it's so SAD\:\( NOOOOOOOO\:\(

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 26, 2008

YESSSS I GOT MY PC BACK \:rah\: I'm I have to download all the episodes of VK again and all my music. How did you spend your Christmas night?? did you recive any gift?. "Internetova kaviaren" sounds pretty funny but now I've learned a new word \:\) Greetings\;\)

ProwlerTyloDec 24, 2008

Hello: Normally we would have did it tonight or tomorrow but we did it yesterday. Everyone works today and tomorrow, so we figured we would do it early.\:\)

DOTDec 24, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

ProwlerTyloDec 24, 2008

Hello: Already ate Christmas dinner we had it early. We had ham, potato's/gravy, cake, jello, stuffing, cranberries, corn, biscuits, sweet potatos, pie, that kind of stuff. My mom made it so I did not have to cook. What about you what will you have?

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 24, 2008

Hi Martina!!! How are U??? Merry Christmas!!!! I hope all your wish comes true!!!!\:D . Sorry for the late PC broke down AGAIN... I lost all my music, photos, images, manga and episodes of anime (this happened like 2 weeks ago and I still don't have my PC fix it) right now I'm in a Cyber (its a place where you go and use computer and internet and then you have to pay for hour...I think this kind of places are called in english "cybercoffee"...I'm not sure). Please don't get mad with me \:\). Hopefully the PC will fix it the next week. Take care...I will talk to you soon \:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 23, 2008

Happy Holidays to you too. How is your new computer?\:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 19, 2008

Hello. With my family, gonna go do some stuff but other then that no real plans. What about you?

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 17, 2008

draha nedaju sa pouzivat vobec to je smola ked som Claire ucil slowencinu \:D\:D.....totiz ona v Australii sa ju vraj totiz trosku uci \:D\ a inak kresli peke davaj to do albumuuu \:D

ProwlerTyloDec 17, 2008

Hello: I am fine, how are the prelims going? Breaks as in vacations. Like here, they 19th is their last day of school before vacation and they are off until the 5th of January. I know a long time huh?

ProwlerTyloDec 15, 2008

Hello. How are you doing? I am doing alright. Been tired lately. Yeah our schools sound really different, do you get breaks for the holidays?

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 12, 2008

ooo draha mala si dobre \:D\:D...pekne kresli \:D\:D:..noooo mne mama pribalila aj varechu \:D\:D:...a teras ju kce naspet ze jej najlepsia tak pass mi ju dala \:D\ jej ju nevratim \:D

ProwlerTyloDec 11, 2008

Hello: Yep Konaha is full and so are all the other villages. ^_^ I went to the Naruto Wiki site and a few others; went through every character bio and made each of them. \:wub\: The house I play most often, its either the one with Kakashi, Yamato, and Tationy (My original character) or the house with Genma and Iruka because those two get into such hi-jinks. I actually have two Kakashi/Yamato houses, because I had to make one with them, Naruto, Sai, and Sakura too. Can never have too many Kakashi's running around. Sasuke will actually be up tomorrow. He is currently approved. I think he looks pretty good, a nice balance between Naruto Original Series and Shippuuden. The mesh for the outfit, was very good I am glad I happened to find it, by a wonderful MTS2 artist named Ronyu02. Wish I could take credit for how great it is, but Ronyu02 did the hard part. I tried working on meshes the other day, got body shop open to begin my first few attempts at it, and SimsPE stopped working so I can not extract meshes now. Technology stinks sometimes. Basic school; well we have elementary which for me was kindergarten to 6th grade, then high school which for me was 7th grade through 12th. Once you got to 7th it was a completely different world. We had 4 different towns who's kids all went to the school. It was alright, but I don't think I learned much while there and it was not much fun after my best friend moved away. But I took things like math, English, chior, band, history, that kind of stuff but I think life got much bettr once I was finished and went onto the university.\:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 11, 2008

I'm fine and you? I'm happy that you liked "Beast Master", did you read all the chapters?. Episode 10? I have to download. Well I didn't go to the exam because yesterday it was raining... lucky me. I have another manga for you ..."Zettai Kareshi" also know as "Absolute Boyfriend", its the story of a girl who goes online and signs up for a free trial of a mysterious Nightly Lover "figure" and the next day she recive a cute naked guy, it's realy realy funny \:D

ProwlerTyloDec 11, 2008

Hello: I am glad you like the outfits. Wish I could take all the credit for the Sasuke one, but I had a great mesh to work off of. ^_^ Me, well I am not doing much. The holidays will soon be upon us, I am just trying to make sure I have things done but nothing exciting is happening around here at the moment. My Naruto village is full, I can not even fit anymore houses. ^_^ Crazy how that happens huh? I will have to take a screenshot of it sometime and post it. So you play the guitar? I always wanted to learn but never did. I play a little piano, mostly enough to play things like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb. I also play Clarinet and Bass Clarinet, but not as often as I used too. Singing over instruments was more my passion. So what will you and your friends do, other then reminisce about old times?\:\)

evetsangelDec 11, 2008

Thanks for sharing your lovely kimonos. They look great!\:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 10, 2008

I'm glad you like "Beast Master", I'm a little bit worry because today I have my final test of English, it's oral and I must to talk like more than 15 minutes and I have to compare 2 different pictures and talk about problem is that my English is not so fluently\:\( What episode? I mean what number? \:\)

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