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ProwlerTyloDec 9, 2008

Hello: Its raining here, almost all of the snow is gone now because of it. I still do not have all my Christmas shopping done. One of these days I will get around to it, hopefully before Christmas is here. ^_^ I have not really been doing anything, Sasuke is currently in pending. Did a few other little things, been working on some outfits that have not been turning out like I want them. The mesh I want to use has a bad seam, its not too terrible, but its noticable enough that it might be annoying. I can live with it for my Naruto village but I don't really want to submit it with the seam like that. My only other option for a mesh to use the collar is way to high, and the pants too long. *SIGH* I don't know what to do about it. Did some writing, a really little bit, other then that just taking it one day at a time and seeing where it goes. How are you, how is classes? Anything new?

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 9, 2008

Hi Martina!! sometimes the least know manga are the best, another that is great is "Beast Master"...its the story of a girl who loves animals but animals hate her...and she met a boy (he looks like "L" so he is super cute\:wub\: ) in fact he's as wild as animals (quite interesting)\:\) if you want more suggestions just tell me\:D Hugs\;\)

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 8, 2008

fun---zabava boring----nuda cold--chladny hot---horuci 1----jedna 2---dva 3---tri 4---styri 5---pet 6---sest 7---sedem 8---osem 9---devet 10----desat sunday---nedela ...pondelok...utorok.....streda.....stvrtok....piatok....sobota Mam sa dobre dakujem.....a ty? mas nove?..... (I am fine thanks....and you?......what´s new?... \:P

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 8, 2008

ach draha pribeh sa mi pekne sklada hehe...\:\) potrebujem aby si nakreslila jeho matku ako klaci na kolenach pridrziava sa dveri a reve....dakujem \:\)\:\).....\:wub\:

ProwlerTyloDec 7, 2008

Sorry to hear your dad did not come. My day was alright, I spent most of it sleeping though, I was not feeling to fabulous. Right now I am getting ready to open up Body Shop and see what I can do about getting Sasuke finished. Nothing to do today, Its Sunday here, so no place to go and its cold out so its not like I want to go anyplace anywhere. \:P What about you?

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 7, 2008

Me again\:P ...I forgot to tell you what is manhwa but maybe you already know...well Manwha is the Korean term for manga and denotes series that were published in Korea and you have to read it from left to right

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 7, 2008

I'm reading a manhwa called "I'm at end of your sight", so far is quite interesting and the characters are very cute, did you know this manhwa? \:\)

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 7, 2008

I'm fine and pretty happy because now I'm downloading episode nº9 of "VK Guilty"\:D . You're right the 2nd season is slow and quite different. Did you read any new manga lately? or watched anime? \:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 7, 2008

I will probably try to do one that works both for Shippuden and for the orginal like I did with Gaara. Try to get it a little so it could work for either but I am not working on none of that at the moment. Gonna go get some food here in a bit. How was your day?\:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 6, 2008

Awe thank you, to you too. :-) How is your manga coming a long? How was the shopping?

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 6, 2008

my love....pribeh sa mi crta tazko zatial nieco pisat aj ked slubujem na konci vikendu mam toho dost,,,,,ty pekne kresli davaj to do albumu laskoooo\:o \:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 6, 2008

I forgot... I like your new banner and avatar\:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 6, 2008

Hi Martina!!! sorry for the late reply, I agree with u...ON/OFF looks like a pair of vampires in "Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi", the first time I saw the video the twins remainds me to Zero and Ichiru...don't you think?. I started to download the 2nd season of "VK". Oh I'm sick and tired of Madonna (she arrived to my country like 2 days ago), everyone are talking about her show, the radios are playing her songs and all the news are about her. How was you week?. Hugs \;\)

ProwlerTyloDec 6, 2008

Hello; Not sure yet, maybe some writing. I am working on Sasuke as well and some things for him so we will see how that goes. But at the moment I just want to relax, and not have a bad day. And you?\:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 5, 2008

Oops forgot to mention, my actual favorite moment that I really like to watch is a French movie, called Brotherhood of the Wolf. I really liked it. What about you?

ProwlerTyloDec 5, 2008

Hello: Thank you. I look forward to downloading your kimono's. I love kimono's one of my favorite outfits for the game. Rin was actually in the Kakashi Gaiden Manga. When Kakashi was a kid, she and Orbito where his teammates. How are you doing?

ProwlerTyloDec 3, 2008

Hello: All kinds of movies, I watch a little bit of everything. I got a pile of movies that I am trying to get through, but ended up not watching any of them. Got too side tracked with writing and working on those ANBU mask. I just need to get in game and see how they look there, body shop is fine, but even in it you can not see every little mess up. Better in game to find that stuff, so I need to still do that. Gaara stuff comes out on the 5th I believe, and Rin Outfit and Kurenai's outfit on the 4th. Some other stuff too but I have been slow this week, with other stuff.\:\) What kind of clothing are you gonna make?

joker52455Dec 3, 2008

Hi Martina.... I dont know why, but that doesn't sound.... Slovakishy. Then again, I don't know any Slovak names. What do you mean I look funny?! Not a lot of people know Janelle Monae, so don't feel left out. However, there's a song of hers on TS2 in the Apartment Life EP: Violet Stars Happy Hunting! (favorite). Wow, I listen to a lot of stuff, but I don't usually listen to that music \:\( The only "really good" representation of Slovakia was a movie about people getting killed by richer people? Okay..... There aren't really places like that, RIGHT? My school sucks; I'm in the innugural class (the school's beginning class), and we don't have enough people for ANYTHING. There aren't a lot of clubs, there's only been four sports attempted for teams (softball, wrestling, basketball, and soccer) and they're all horrible, there's much more wrong with the school that I'll tell you tomorrow \:D

Bury me deep inside your heartDec 2, 2008

Hi Martina!!! I'm fine and you?.You're welcome!!! I'm gald you like my banner. The singers of the opening of Vampire Knight are ON/OFF and they are twins (by the way they are cute but one twin is cuter than the other), you should see their videos "Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi" and "Rinne Rondo" on youtube (after you watch the videos tell me what do you think). I watched Twilight few days ago...its really cool. I didn't see any new episode yet and you? \:\)

ProwlerTyloDec 2, 2008

I thought it was fun and as for vampires, well I never rule anything out as a general rule. The world is a mysterious place, you can not be certain what does and does not exist in it. \:D How was your day yesterday? Mine was long, I put aside the ANBU mask I was working on to make some Gaara stuff, today I am gonna try to get back to the ANBU mask. Well at least that is my plan for the day, to work on those and maybe watch some movies. Its cold here, so I do not plan on going outside unless I have too. \:P

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