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beatifullie's Guestbook

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 14, 2008

I will check that link and I'll see what can I download!!!. I'm listening to Tokio Hotel since this January. I'm in love with Bill\:wub\: (every time I see him my cheeks just blushing inmediatly\:o , I'm such a stupid girl) . I remeber the first time I saw him in the video "Monsoon" I thought he was a girl \:D . I used to listen to Panic but I prefer their first CD than the 2nd...and you??.

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 14, 2008

Oh great, from where are you downloading "Goth"?. As you know my original language is Spanish, I'm studing English, I know a few words in japanese thanks to the anime and I'm trying to learn german by myself, this is because I like Tokio Hotel (do you like them?). Take care \;\)

damnanoirNov 13, 2008

i love metal, gothic music, rock, punk rock, j-rock and j-pop and some alternative music... u? ^^ ps: NIce slovakia!!!!!!

DirtdevillNov 13, 2008

Hello, beatifullie!\:D Thank you for you nice comment on my featured Lightning screenie. It's very much appriciated!! The castle at the picture is one of my upcoming lots. I was game testing this new Community lot, when suddenly a bad witch put a spel on it. It really gave me the shivers because there was a awful noise( a enormous big bang) and besides that the many lightnings that followed almost at the same moment, looked very scary to me!! Thanks for having a look at my screenie& Wish you having a great week!\:D Grtz, Dirtdevill

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 13, 2008

matka koreho debila bz to uy napadlo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 13, 2008

I researched and the time difference between our countries is like 4 hours. I don't remember from where I downloaded "Goth" but luckily I got it in my PC, I can send it to you but the problem is that the dialogues are in Spanish. I will try to find a link to download it in English or I can translated in English for you (I think that will take it some time but I can try \:D). By the you know Spanish or another language? \:confused\:. Hugs \;\)

damnanoirNov 12, 2008

eheh thanks ^^ yes i'm italian ^^ from Como... it's near Milano well italy is a good place to visit ^^ but i prefer visit all the world... and u from where?

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 12, 2008

matka ziadne juki!!!! mam problem si zapamatat zakla´dnu slownu zasobu a ty mi tu este nejake hjuki davas.....\:D\:D\:DD heslo bude vampireknight

damnanoirNov 12, 2008

u're welcome ^^ and thanks \:wub\: \:rah\:

kissme87Nov 12, 2008

Im 17 \:D

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 12, 2008

Thanks for the super page, I'm so glad you like it!!! It's 13:40 now\:\)

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 12, 2008

heslo daj ja newem neco co nikto na to nepride

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 11, 2008

I read on (it's a fantastic page you can find a lots of mangas), yes I'm doing homework, well my sister homework. It's 7:15 pm, what time is now in your country?.

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 11, 2008

I read it on line too because here in Argentina didn't publish it. I think Goth have 5 chapters. I'm doing homework, in fact Chemistry and I spent all the morning too, my hands hurt because I wrote a lot \:\). In what page do you read manga? \:confused\:

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 11, 2008

I'm fine thanks. I read up to chapter 44 ... do you buy the mangas or just read them on internet?. Mmmmm I think the last manga I read was "Goth" ... it's a good one...well if you like gore, the main characters are really cute but very weird and disrupted, I mean the boy likes his schoolmate so much that he wants to kill her \:ph34r\:

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 11, 2008

drahaaa kresli kresli ani nespi a setko bude fajn

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 11, 2008

Hi Martina!!! How are you?? Did you receive your new PC???. I can't finish my new Death Note's stuff because I had problems with the damn PC\:mad\: and I couldn't install the game either. I'm thinking in stop playing for the moment because soon The Sims 3 will comes out (I think in February 2009) and in my country we are in Spring but seems to be Summer so the days are very nice and too hot (ideal to spend the time to do other things). What mangas did you recently read? \:D . Hugs\;\)

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 11, 2008

matka ja som nieco nacrtol tiesti to poslem a skusi to podlatoho oka? ked prides na icq zas nekedy\:\)

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 11, 2008

matqa urcite musi vzzerat ked je podla teba \:D \:D \:D \:D

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 10, 2008

mataq nie nemoye mat...ale japonka upirka moye mat modre vlasz natupirovane velke\:\)

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