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beatifullie's Guestbook

skyblue7377Nov 9, 2008

You are always so wonderfully kind....huge hugs

kissme87Nov 9, 2008

Yes i guess \:D How old are you ?

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 9, 2008

oka matka aja nepiem..a keby som cel vela kudos vela by som isal..a pisem malo uz tu ani tak casto nesem..potom mi daj heslo\:\) \:\)

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 8, 2008

jasne draha urob ten album a kresliiii\:wub\:

destineeg1992Nov 8, 2008

I really only like the drawings...But I dont really watch the shows. What about you?

kissme87Nov 8, 2008

\:D Im from russian . And u ?

destineeg1992Nov 8, 2008

I have never heard of Manga, but I do like some anime \:D And my sister play guitar too :P

destineeg1992Nov 7, 2008

T.G.I.F!! \:D Ummm, I haven't played sims in a while \:\( , so I do lots of my school work, I like photography alot, piano...I can't think of anything else right now\:confused\: What are your hobbies??

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 7, 2008

drahaaa co najrychlejsie prid na icq alebo pokec ok?\:\)

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 7, 2008

Hi!!! you're welcome, your pic is really cute...cold but cute\:wub\: . Well my fav characters are L, Lime, Sakura Cards Captor, Chii from Chobits (did you watch it or read the manga?), Zero (oh another vampire that I like a lot is Shiki, I love his blue eyes and his attitude), Kenshin from Samurai X, Shinji from Evangelion(did you watch it), Rei from Evangelion (she's really weird) and a lot more. Yes I have... I opened one in June but a few days ago I customize it, if you want I can add you as friend but send me your link by PM ok?. Hugs\;\)

destineeg1992Nov 7, 2008

I live in Ontario Canada. So, you must be done school? Cause I just

destineeg1992Nov 6, 2008

Yeppp! I love it. Its 15:19 here.

destineeg1992Nov 6, 2008

Noo...I am homeschooled. I didnt realize that it was night time over there. What time is it?

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 6, 2008

matka len sa snaz napisal som teda dal dokopy prvu kapitolu...\:\)\:\) aa pracuje sa na druhej \:\) ... uz budu aj ine postavy a tak aj dej treba zachytit budes kreslit a kreslit \:\) \:\) a ja pisat a pisat .... v skole stale len vymyslam a pisem \:D \:D

destineeg1992Nov 6, 2008

Actually, I have never tried it. But I will oneday. Are you at school?

destineeg1992Nov 6, 2008

Yep! Im from Canada. We have already had some snow, but its nice now. \:D Whats the weather like there in Slovakia?

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 6, 2008

Oh I forgot to asked you have myspace??\:confused\:

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 6, 2008

Hi Martina!!! My computer broke down yesterday and I've lost my sims, I'm so sad because they were really cute\:\( , now I have to start a new family again. Oh yes Kaname is a manipulator and Zero is soooo sweet \:wub\: ...I would like to find a guy like him in the real life\:D. Well I don't draw stories because I don't have too much imagination, I just draw my favourites characters. Hugs\;\)

kissme87Nov 6, 2008

\:rah\: welcome

destineeg1992Nov 6, 2008

No, I havent What is your first language? Mines english, so Japenese might be to hard...What do you think?

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