Sad News! Story deleted.
Hello fellow Simmers!
Not sure if anyone will read this, but... I have some news about my first and only story "Just a Kiss" that I posted last year. I had been working on it, but sadly didn't have the time or energy to really play and continue the story. Sorry about that, but my studying and real life keep me rather busy at the moment, with family stuff going on and exams coming up....
Now... unfortunately I am going to delete the story, because I can't continue. With the last update my game was broken and I had to re-install everything. Sadly I couldn't save the game from the story, so I can't really continue, because I don't really have the time, or muse to recreate everything, plus I probably wouldn't be able to. I am sorry :(
For those of you who actually liked my story... THANK YOU! That really meant a lot to me. Maybe, during my next break from studying, I'll come up with a new idea and maybe start another story. I might just use the same title though, because I kind of had an idea in mind with this, but the beginning of the story was different from the original idea, so maybe I'll try it again with different characters. I don't know yet. Maybe.
Thank you everyone! I hope you understand.
~ blackrose538
PS: By the way... there are some downloads on here, that I created, if you are interested. When I have some time and inspiration I will work on some new downloads as well, maybe a chic maternity dress or something like that. Sadly I can't create new meshes, haven't figured that out, but I can re-texture ;-)
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