blackrose538's Blog
It's been a while...
Hello everyone!
Thank you for visiting my profile. I would also like to thank everyone who's downloading my creations and commenting on them for doing so. It really means the world to me. I love creating Lots in the Sims 4 and share them with you and while all of my builds are also on the Gallery, I know that not everyone uses it, or can use it.
I know, I haven't shared anything in almost a year now, but I've just been busy with RL stuff, changing my work place and also rearranging and renovating my bedroom. So, I'm sorry that you've had to wait for such a long time for new builds. On top of that I sometimes just want to play and don't even bother to build anything, so... yeah. That's that.
But I have new builds coming up. There's one build already submitted today and then I have another big mansion that's been sitting in my upload folder for a while and maybe some new builds, too. If you have good inspirational pages or perhaps want me to build a home for your Sims, just visit my facebook page "Blackrose538's Sims Creations" and let me know. I'd be happy to help you out! :) With the new update on stairs my builds can get a whole lot more realistic, too! So I'm excited for that.
Anyway, have a good day and hope you like my builds!
New Things Coming Soon!!
Hello dear Simmers and TSR friends!
I just wanted to make a small announcement, for whoever wants to read it and maybe leave a comment.
As of late I have been working on a few things with TSR Workshop, that I am now going to test and then hopefully share with you guys very soon. Maybe, if you guys like my creations, I can squeeze in a little bit more time for creating new things, like houses or maybe even work on a new dress re-texture for you. No promises, but I can try. Maybe I'll even be able to make some Make-Up for your Simmies :-)
Anyway, that's it for now. See you soon-ish!
Sad News! Story deleted.
Hello fellow Simmers!
Not sure if anyone will read this, but... I have some news about my first and only story "Just a Kiss" that I posted last year. I had been working on it, but sadly didn't have the time or energy to really play and continue the story. Sorry about that, but my studying and real life keep me rather busy at the moment, with family stuff going on and exams coming up....
Now... unfortunately I am going to delete the story, because I can't continue. With the last update my game was broken and I had to re-install everything. Sadly I couldn't save the game from the story, so I can't really continue, because I don't really have the time, or muse to recreate everything, plus I probably wouldn't be able to. I am sorry :(
For those of you who actually liked my story... THANK YOU! That really meant a lot to me. Maybe, during my next break from studying, I'll come up with a new idea and maybe start another story. I might just use the same title though, because I kind of had an idea in mind with this, but the beginning of the story was different from the original idea, so maybe I'll try it again with different characters. I don't know yet. Maybe.
Thank you everyone! I hope you understand.
~ blackrose538
PS: By the way... there are some downloads on here, that I created, if you are interested. When I have some time and inspiration I will work on some new downloads as well, maybe a chic maternity dress or something like that. Sadly I can't create new meshes, haven't figured that out, but I can re-texture ;-)