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boogerbrat101's Guestbook

Gibson TwinsDec 2, 2006

Hey Ems I am soooooooooooo bored I just watched the first part of season 2 Family Guy and I am confind to my room and no I am not grounded it's just we are decorating our livingroom and Bleu my dog has to stay in our bedroom and he is sitting well lying at the end of my bed and now he is making a little nest he is soooooooooo cute\:wub\: I love him sooooooooooo much he says Hi Emilee Hazel has told me a lot sbout you and I want to give you a big hug hehehe. Will you talk to me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \:wub\: Who is your favourite singer? Mine is Rihanna and Evenesence. I think I've spelled it wrong whoops. Can you awnser something for me how old do you have to be to drive in America is it 17 or a different age? Cause we were talking about it last night thank you.\:wub\: Bye Emilee

Gibson TwinsDec 2, 2006

Hi Ems id you read my poem I put in your guestbook for you to read? Anyway thanks for reading The Unexpected. And why did you drink that much juice?\:wub\:

Gibson TwinsNov 27, 2006

Oh by the way Emilee know how you asked which one did he like I think he meant me Hazel I don't know I asked him that but he hasn't replied yet I'll tell you when he does anyway it wasn't rude\:wub\: what do you think of my poem?

Gibson TwinsNov 27, 2006

Hey Ems I wrote this poem yesterday for school today I wan to know what you think here it goes. The Visit In the car I go to see A perfect sight A place I wish to be And stay all night Turning to my right I see a sea of green Dancing in the light It was a field I had seen The tall grass in the field made me think Was it the wind that made it sway? There must be a hidden link That made it move so gracefully That field made me remember A day when I was prancing It was a perfect September When the leaves were dancing Along the bumpy road I go Staring at the world around When I notice something I know Lying on the ground The little creature on the grass Sunbathing in the wonderful heat Which then I realised what it was A rabbit that I had mistaken for a piece of meat With the sun beating down The rabbit's eyes began to gleam It's face looked like a frown But actually it was just happy to be seen The closer I get to my destination I begin to jump around I begin to get fed up with all the procrastination That is slowing me down As I arrive I run to play I cling to it like a leach I want to stay all day At the beach The silver sand tickles my feet As I walk across it's grains that are barely seen On the silver carpet I meet A crab that looks very mean As I walk away I see a sand dune It says to me "Go and play" As it is so big it makes me look like a prune I hear my mum saying "Be careful Ha" The waves were hitting the rocks But I was warned to stay well clear Incase I was lost by the seas crying mocks And the people I find dear To my left I see the soft sea That is so gentle and gracefully swirled I feel like it loves me But if it turns, the rocks are where I would be hurled Floating towards me like a cloud It is on the prowl Is a jellyfish that looks so proud But behind it the sea gives a mighty howl I stand on something hard and sore That turns out to be a shell I don't want to stand there anymore But the shell has a secret to tell It's time to leave but before I go I see something I don't know what it is but it is a creature I realise it is a starfish that I call Ting Now I have something to tell my teacher On my way back I remember all the things I saw The grass, the rabbit and the shell At the beach I hope my dog didn't hurt his paw All the memories would have been forgotten but luckily I had someone to tell. What do you think Ems? \:wub\:

newbie.t.Nov 26, 2006

Hi boogerbrat \:\) Thanks for stopping by! Though I would too \;\)

Gibson TwinsNov 26, 2006

Thanks but why do they want to do that? anyway thanks for telling me. \:wub\:

Gibson TwinsNov 25, 2006

Hello boogerbrat101 are you not tired\:wub\: hehe

Gibson TwinsNov 24, 2006

No way I am sewing a Christmas ornament it is a snowman\:wub\: oh and I have made you and me and we have a little dog I can't remember her name but she is a pappillon as I love them\:wub\:

HaddiscoNov 23, 2006

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and commenting!

SimFreak4LifeNov 23, 2006

Thanks for that nice comment you left in my guestbook. Your business sounds cool \:D. I feel special not being picked to be in your business \:wub\:

lexiqueNov 22, 2006

i read what you put in haddiscos comment box, and i think i should make this clear for you. the point i was making, was that religious people would find this upsetting, reading a story that was mocking god, being that he is the all powerful, and i for one found it offensive. i am a strong believer in god, and i didn't like the mockery of god being related to god. so you really should think twice before "egging" him on, as it will only encourage him to write more blasphemous work.

Gibson TwinsNov 22, 2006

Ok E&M hehehehe I know what you meant and I would like to be one of the people to be in Emilee.Co\:wub\:

HaddiscoNov 22, 2006

I'm not making fun of Satan, I'm just giving him a little more personality and showing off his softer side that most don't know he has. Also since I don't actually believe in Satan then I can't very well feel wrong for doing what I do . ^_^

Gibson TwinsNov 21, 2006

Hi Emilee sorry I didn't reply I didn't know what you said in my PM I didn't quite understand but now I do\:wub\: and hopefully soon if I can find some more info about you I will be able to make a story called BestFriends Ems and Hay By The Way Hay is my nickname me and Ma called eachother that since we were wee\:wub\: You can call me it too since you are my bestfriend. Any ideas on my story? Oh and are you ok with me calling you Ems as I would like that to be your nickname.\:wub\: If your not ok with it just tell me and I will stop calling you Ems.\:wub\: Bye

slimeNov 17, 2006

and i got this becuz me and Gibson Twins are kinda friendz \:rah\:

slimeNov 17, 2006

im signing you guest book woo woo woo woo woo woo woo \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

kidnumber48Nov 16, 2006

The horses are on the sims Resource. Check the comment I left on my story for the maker.\:\)

Gibson TwinsNov 15, 2006

Hi Emilee have you seen my screenshot it is on page 24 at the bottom and thanks for your comment on my story\:wub\: Your my best friend and tell your sister I said Hi\:wub\:

newbie.t.Nov 11, 2006

Tutti fruity flavour please \;\)

Gibson TwinsNov 11, 2006

Emilee do they have chocolate ice- cream in your party\;\)

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