boogie woogie's Blog
I submitted a new bedroom set
I'm really happy with this set and can't wait to see what people think.
Mesh by Simply Styling and floor by Murano
New Kitchen Set!
Due to my previous poll, I attempted a kitchen set and it will be uploaded on Thursday. I hope people like it. I know I haven't recolored much lately but I think I'm over my slump so expect to see more soon!
New Poll!!
The winner of the last poll was new kitchen recolors so I will see what I can do. I haven't been very successful with that in the past but I'm willing to give it another try.
I've added a new poll so please vote and let me know.
New Poll and recolor
I added a new poll and will be uploading a Hallway recolor from Shakeshaft this week. So stay tuned.