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caridina's Guestbook

IllandryaMay 27, 2010

Hi caridina! Thank you for commenting on so many of my screenshots! The Wizard's Workshop is one of my favourite rooms. It was built as a set for my story but I fell in love with it and put more of myself into it than I had intended to.  The black and white room is where the simmy I actually play with lives (occasionally, when I get the time), it's how I'd like my own room to look.

martoeleMay 27, 2010

Good morning Sonja! I hope that you will not need the cure number 8. It might be good but it has a lot of side-effects. I don't know personally but a friend of mine has had the same problem and she lost the sensitivety in her fingers tip and that took a long time before it was normal again. Her hair has grown so fantastic. It looks better than before the chemo-cure. Well, I will be leaving now for work. We will see each other again, another moment. Have great day \:D  Hugs. Margo.

flody888May 26, 2010

Hi again! Thank you for commenting on so many of my screenies! \:\) Yes, sometimes those babies are cute! Oh, and I always get ideas from other people's screenshots. I'm so flattered that you found something in mine! Hope to see how yours turn out! \:wub\:

flody888May 26, 2010

Hi cardina!! Great idea about the skeleton! I was thinking about adding that stone nook or putting some cool relics down there but I totally forgot about buydebug. Thanks for the great idea!!

fredbrennyMay 26, 2010

Thanks for all your wonderful comments! Azra is doing great! Murphy is a sweetie! He helped her top get over Cheng.... She is now expecting her second baby. Murphy is the most loyal husband...LOL   \:D

martoeleMay 26, 2010

  Hi (((Sonja))). I'm fine thank you. \:\)  And you yourself? Is the weather already better in Sweden? How are you doing with the cure? Yes this new world the Venice Lagoon is realy very pretty. It works all right with me because I have a completely new computer, a normal one with a lot of capacity. But I think that my laptop would not be strong enough for that world. \:wub\:  I hardly can wait for the new EP to come out. Usually a new EP takes the problems away from the former expansion pack but often it brings others, so let's keep our finger crossed. Thank you for you comment on the screens! Hope to see you soon and I wish you as well a good evening and a good night-rest. Hugs from Margo. \:\)

DT456May 26, 2010

Okej, det var ju synd att det var en betalsak.. \:\(

DT456May 26, 2010

Okej, ska kolla in länken när jag får tid. ska göra några nya mesher... \;\) Skillnaden mellan mina och Sims 3:es är att på mina knutar kan man färga dom i vilken färg man vill, vliket man inte kan på Sims 3:es! Och plus att jag har lagt till som man kan ha på 1 bred vägg... \:D\:D

simsjeanieMay 26, 2010

*yummie* I love homemade bread!  Sometimes when I'm relaxed I put the dough in my bread baking machine and turn on the time switch. It's amazing when you wake up with the scent of fresh bread around your nose! I enjoyed your bread very much! Don't need anything but butter and a little bit of salt with fresh bread ... it's delicious \:wub\: Now I go to have to look at the screenies of Molly's new guy ... \:wub\:

simsjeanieMay 26, 2010

Good afternoon, dear Sonja, here I am with a cup of Latte Macchiato and a cheese cake. I wasn't here at TSR for eight days - so many invitations I went to and guests who came to stay here. My grandchild was baptised last Saturday and it was a wonderful party! As a surprise her mother and father were wedded in church before. After weeks of rain the sun decided to give to us some summerdays last weekend and so the party they had planned in a large tent on a meadow was wonderful (though we didn't believe it before because on Friday it was still raining and cold) with a lot of sunshine and nearly 30°C. Now all the overnight guests have left I should do some cleaning - but first I wanted to visit TSR. I hope you are feeling fine! Have a great day today, my dear, though here it's raining again - no nice weather for a walk ... Lots of hugs and many kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

spitzmagicMay 26, 2010

Good morming ((((Sonja)))) How are you? stopping by with hugs and hellos. Wishing you a wonderful day. \:wub\:

flody888May 24, 2010

Hello! OMG LOL! Thank you for telling me about my poll mistake! As you can see, I'm still figuring things out. \:D I'm glad you and Molly like painting! It's so interesting to see all the new paintings! EA did a really good job on this! Thank you for stopping by!! \:\)

marilynmonroeMay 23, 2010

Thank you very much for advice, But I have to get pangu axe first.\:\(

paramitiMay 23, 2010

Hey Sonja..hows the weekend? i am really glad you made the suggestion on the prices..i myself have a difficult time locating them!! \:o  it is a Great Suggestion you gave me..especially as there are more and more objects being added to players games..i am beginning now to try to remember to put the price of the paintings in the the other 14 angel paintings are published..i hope to have a lot of paintings published this week..but today is the last of the angel paintings xx

marilynmonroeMay 22, 2010

That would be very nice\:\) (Hi! Thanks for the comment on my pic of Tuatha's garden. Do you want a hint where it is located)

paramitiMay 21, 2010

Thank You for the Hilarious YouTube!! HAHAHAHAHAHA what an Idiot!! that was Very Funny!! HAHAHAHAHOHOHO!! Thank you for commenting on my new angel paintings...i wish i knew all the artists but i got them off free screensavers and for some reason they dont tell you the artist..which isnt very nice for the artist bc ppl should know who created each one..its good publicity for graphic artists..some simmers will thank me for telling the artist..bc they sometimes like to know and buy some of that artists worlk..but they didnt say on the screensavers i couldnt say..i have another set of angel paintings from scrreensavers for Judy.. with same number of them.. 14..will also have some alice in wonderland soon..gotta take the pix to post up..and also some funny paintings coming up gave a suggestion of putting the price of the painting..where should i list the price? in the description? let me soon and Thank You for that video!! paramiti~

DT456May 21, 2010

Hejhej! Har ni soligt? Här är det det, och varmt, som attan.. \:D Vad hade du tänkt att göra i helgen dåe? \:D ((:

dorienskiMay 21, 2010

Thanks for commenting on my "Sunset Valley" screenie, have a nice day! xxx

PralinesimsMay 20, 2010

Hi\:\) thank you very much for commenting my beautiful view screenshot\:\) im so hapy and glad you like it!\:D i wish you a nice day and a happy week\:\) see you,bye bye\:rah\:

flody888May 20, 2010

OMG! Thanks for commenting on my screenshots! Let's see if I can remember...My sims were painting one after another with the regular 'Paint' option. And none of them have the Genius or Artistic trait so any sim can paint them... Yes, the two large paintings are from the base game. I just loved those particular pictures. \:wub\: ... Ooooh, yes, some of the paintings are sooooooo cute for a baby's or kid's room! I was looking for cute pics to decorate and I just noticed that my sim kids were painting cute things and that's how this all started!...Molly is doing a beautiful job painting that lily. \:\) ...I'm sure if Molly has kids she will do a wonderful job decorating the nursery! Plus hopefully you'll post the screenshots! \:D Have a super day!!!

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