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caridina's Guestbook

flody888Dec 31, 2010

Yes! I saw lots of nice shrimps! \:D All the best to you in 2011! \:wub\:

flody888Dec 29, 2010

caridina!!! \:wub\: I thought of you the other day when I was grocery shopping! \:D I was in the seafood section. \;\) I hope you had a very good Christmas! \:wub\: And I wish you all the best for the New Year...and as martoele says "And for ever!" \:D Thanks for all your great screenies and gallery pics too! \:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 28, 2010

(((((Sonja)))))  \:wub\:  It has been awhile since I visited your guestbook. I am a little ashamed about that. \:o I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and more I hope you are doing great and that this coming year will bring you everything you wish for. I am really happy when I saw your comments on the Swamped story \:\) I am working on the last chapter, it should be out (or at least submitted) one of these days this week. I hope you are still having loads of fun playing this game. I also hope to see some pictures again of Tessa or Molly or a new character by you. Of course I still have Tessa in the convention house, and her daughter Cleo. \:D So every now and then I will pay them a visit. I have been too busy with Sims. Not just the stories, but also doing some photography for the Simspiration Magazine and then I need to build the houses and keep up with everything. Might need an organizer to help me with that. Have a lovely New Years my dear (((friend)))  I will see you soon again!!! Love and Huggggs, Fred

MJxoDec 24, 2010

Hi \:D Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year\:rah\: Hugs (^.^) Mariah x

martoeleDec 24, 2010

Hi dear (((Sonja))). Thank you very much. \:wub\:  I wish for you and your family a long life in PEACE, LOVE, LIGHT AND HEALTH. If the new year will bring you that then that will make up for this difficult year you had. \:\)  And OF COURSE; I will send you a box full of canned sunshine. 30 cans in a box, so you can use 2 per week if you want it to last the whole winter. \:D  Big hug for you ~ Margo.

spitzmagicDec 23, 2010

(((Sonja)))Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

simsjeanieDec 21, 2010

Dear Sonja, just dropping in again to say I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year from the bottom of my heart. Have a great time and may all your wishes and dreams come true! All my love and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa ... I think he should throw some extra presents through your chimney, you've really deserved that! \:wub\:

DT456Dec 21, 2010

Hejhej! Kommer här för att önska dig en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt år! \:wub\:

PralinesimsDec 19, 2010

  ****We wish you a  MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥  and a gorgeous day!!*****\:rah\:        \:wub\:  °°°°Happy simming!°°°°\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:   *Hugs and Kisses*\:wub\:\:wub\:  

simsjeanieDec 17, 2010

Dearest Sonja - coming along after a long time with some lovely Latte Macchiato and homemade x-mas-cookies. No need to leave them for Santa, he had enough already! It happened a lot in the last six months. The time I didn't visit The Sims Resource in July my lovely Lordy, our old dog, had a stroke and we thought we had to let him go. We visited the vet every day for about 14 days and he did a great job. First Lord couldn't walk, he couldn't eat and I had to carry him upstairs to his bed. The first days I slept in the living room, but then I carried him upstairs again. But the medicine helped and he got much better. After three weeks he even managed to climb the stairs by his own with a little help. The following weeks and months actually he was fitter than before the stroke. But he is a 35-kilo-dog and I had pain in the back after those three weeks. Couldn't sit on a chair longer than a few minutes. As I wanted to join all of you again, my pc had a crash and then my internet ran riot. After five minutes it said good-by to me ... Now I have a much faster internet-connection. When I wanted to join again, the last days of October, Lord had another break down and this time the vet couldn't help him anymore. We had to let him cross the Rainbow-bridge. All of us were very sad and I didn't want to play the sims or something like that. It was my daughter who told me to write his story and join the NaNoWriMo. And I did it. In November I didn't do anything else than writing. And then the first Sunday in Advent was there and I had no decoration at all. But now all the little lights I fastened at my windows and on top of the cupboards and so on brighten up my mood again. I spent a few days in the kitchen and baked a lot of x-mas-cookies but I fear there will be only a little rest next week ... We love them a lot and we show it by eating them. My hubby got me the "Late Night" at the end of October but it was not until yesterday that I installed them. Didn't work though. So I have to search for some help in the forums. But not before saying hello to my friends here. I do hope you are fine and feeling well. Here it's very very cold, icy, and the best place is in my study with the radiatior in my back. Though I have no x-mas presents by now I won't leave the house - the icy conditions are not inviting. Love you a lot, my dear, and happy to join you now again. Lots of hugs and kisses - no chance to avoid them! - from me to you! Jeanie \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

DT456Dec 16, 2010

Tack! Det känns väldigt otroligt mycket! Snart en miljon, det kan jag inte fatta! \:wacko\:

DT456Dec 15, 2010

Om ett tag, får lov att göra om bas mesherna... \:D

DT456Dec 15, 2010

Nämen va trevligt!! \:\) Jag har också en laptop \:D Just nu håller på jag med ett nytt set, men jag vill inte avslöja vad det är \:D

DT456Dec 7, 2010

Just nu har jag bara Grund och Drömjobb! Jag spelar ju inte så mycket nu förtiden därför att jag nästar bara meshar och pluggar.. \:D\:D 

DT456Dec 6, 2010

Ajdå, själv har DV buggat ut mej.. \:\( Var tvungen att avinstallera det.. \:\( Jul, ja... Det kommer någ säkert bli bra!! \:D vad trevligt att du har börjat jobba igen! \:\)

DT456Dec 5, 2010

Hej Sonja! Hur är det med dej? Var ju ett tag sen man hrde i från.. \:D Hoppas du har det bra och får en trevligt slut på detta år! \:\)

SIMcredible!Nov 29, 2010

Hello, Sonja \:\) Thanks for your nice comment on our Venomous Collection \:D Have a beautiful week \:cool\:

spitzmagicNov 12, 2010

(((Sonja))) hi ya  thanks for commenting on my screen. LOL that hot tub is pretty cool...I'm glad EA brought them back. How's Tessa doing LOL....I have Barb as a Vampire just too funny...the sims are funny..I laugh at them all the time. Have a great weekend (((HUGS))) \:wub\:

spitzmagicOct 31, 2010

((((Sonja)))) good morning...thanks girlfriend for all your wonderful comments on my'nt it just too much fun. I forgoet were the wall fish tank is but it's in there some where. It's really cool. Fish you don't have to feed. The flats don't work for me either I have to have a car so that's why I made The Old warehouse. It comes out tomorrow. I have to have a car and a garden spot too.  There are so many new things with this EP. The breast enhancer hahahahah I got a kick out of that one. Barb and Fred just might have some company for a day or so...LOL...have a great day((((BIG HUGS))))\:wub\:

spitzmagicOct 30, 2010

(((Sonja))) good morning thank you very much for your comment on the Bridgeport painting. How are you likeing the game so far...I can't wait to see Tessa...((((HUGS))) to you both \:wub\:

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