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caridina's Guestbook

spitzmagicJul 9, 2010

((((Sonja))))) hugs \:wub\:

fredbrennyJul 8, 2010

Thanks dear girlfriend, for commenting on every screenshot of mine! \:wub\:  You just brightened up my day, so now I go have brunch first (It's must too late for breakfast, I slept in today)

fredbrennyJul 8, 2010

\:wub\: Thanks dear (((Sonja))) for your always so sweet comments on my stories! This one is something else... isn't it? \:D

DT456Jul 7, 2010

Okej! \:\)

DT456Jul 6, 2010

Njae, jag tror jag bara behövde uppdatera spelet efter det har installerats! :

DT456Jul 6, 2010

Lite skumt är det! \:\) Men när jag kmr hem igen, så har jag tillgång till bättre internet! 

DT456Jul 5, 2010

Vet, vet, vet!!! \:rah\: Tyvärr kan jag inte installera DV och Drömjobb nu för jag har ett mobilt bredband med mig, och jag uppdaterade Sims igår, men det var nyare än DV så jag kunde inte installera det.. \:\(

DT456Jul 4, 2010

Hejhej! \:\) Datorn jag köpte fungerar excellent! Den är snabb, snygg, och fram för allt, grafiken är jättebra! \:\) Så nu sk jag installera Destination Världen! Imorrn ska jag köpa Drömjobb! \:rah\: 

fredbrennyJul 4, 2010

Oh!!! I see the Zen set! Just got it \:D

fredbrennyJul 4, 2010

(((Sonja))) \:wub\: Thanks for commenting on Azra part 4!!! I like my pictures to be a bit on the darker side too. It makes it all the more interesting and theatrical. \:D How are you? It's hot there too is it? So nice you found time to drop by and I hope to talk to you again soon! Is there a new set at the store? I have to check....CU later!!! \:wub\:

DT456Jul 4, 2010

Jag har kollat.......            .... OCH DET FUNGERAR!!!!  Jag sökte på grafikkortet, och, kompatibel med sims 3? Och då kom det upp en länk från där det stod att det fungerade perfekt! Så jag ska köpa den idag, innan jag åker på tågresa genom Sverige.. \:D Det regnande en gång på dom dagarna, det var första veckan jag jobbade där.. \:D Hoppas du har det bra! \:wub\:

DT456Jul 4, 2010

Jag ska behålla den här ett tag! Här är det också varmt, men det har regnat lite här! Tur det... Tack så mycket! Jag undrar när jag kommer till 500000! Det skulle va nånting de! Ehm, jag har nmålat klart huset! Det tog två veckor ungefär.. Så my ska jag köopa en ny snygg dator! Som fungerar! \:D 

IdrielJul 3, 2010

Hi! You're very welcome and kind! Have a nice day!

DT456Jul 2, 2010

Tycker du om min nya design? :P

DT456Jul 2, 2010

Hejhej Sonja! Dig har man inte hört sen... Ehm.... På väldigt länge.. \:\( Vart har du varit? \:o

paramitiJun 30, 2010

Helllo SONJA!! i am just now getting round to Thanking everyone for the comments they left on my paintings..and i want to Thank You Very Much for all the Wonderful Feedback you always leave me on my paintings..i hope the Alice paintings are working out for you..i have loads of paintings and trying to take pix of as many as i can and uploading as many as i can this summer..what is going on with your weather there in Sweden? we are very very cold here on the island..and now it is entering july..some nights i cannot sleep well bc it is too cold for the summer..our average Daily HIGH so far is Only about 18Celcius..or 65F..and the nights it goes down a lot and gets like a winter is on the island..crazy huh?? XXOOXX

fredbrennyJun 30, 2010

(((Sonja)))  How are you today? Hope you are feeling better every day now. The weather in weden is nice too I imagine, just like here! I also wanted to let you know that chapter 4 of my story is out. This is a little bit longer than the others, but I neded the screenies to tell this part of the story! If you have some time and feel like it you might want to have a look \:wub\: Have a GOOD day and huggs from Fred

simsjeanieJun 29, 2010

Good morning dear Sonja, here I am to thank you for the amazing time I spent this morning with my morning coffee - here is some nice Latte Macchiato for you, too - and your screenies. I tell you - I won't start my Ambitions until I'm through with watching your pics - I learn a lot about the EP by doing that! I feel I missed a lot the weeks I was away ... Have a great day my dear with a lot of sunshine and many hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\: \:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 29, 2010

Hello, thanks so much for the lovely comment on my 'Bad morning' screenshot and for being featured. \:\)

flody888Jun 26, 2010

I haven't watched when they play chess! I will have to do that! \:\)Frau Muller has some funny screenshots of her sim's boyfriend's dreams. I have to watch their dreams too! Should be interesting! \;\)

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