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caridina's Guestbook

flody888Jun 26, 2010

I really appreciate how much time you took to comment! \:\) I'm not sure if sims put lots more on their stick when they are hungry. Or if it's random. Or if it depends on the sim character. (I will try a vegetarian next time) But in these pictures, i counted 12 links on one (or was it 14?). When they are at home, I make them roast ONE veggie and that fills their hunger even when they are '2 hours till starving'. But YES I agree they are so funny with what they put on their sticks. \:D  

flody888Jun 26, 2010

Hi caridina!!!! \:\) Thank you for the SIXTEEN wonderful comments!!! \:D That is the MOST anyone has done! You win FIRST PRIZE!!! LOL! \:D Oh, dear, now I forgot what I was going to comment! \:P Brb (be right back) Oh, I remember one: 'b/c' is my short way of typing 'because', because I am so lazy. :P

simsjeanieJun 26, 2010

Hello dear Sonja, here I am again with some icetea and some cookies I bought from Fredbrenny's Lin Law \;\) I loved your homemade bread that was still fresh and delicious when I found it! \:wub\: I was sooo happy when I read that you seem to have beaten the cancer! So good to hear that! And with that tiredness - it will be better day by day I think. The last weeks were much too busy for me - a lot of work and water in my basement because of thunderstorms and many guest staying over night. But now everything is done and I'm going on holidays. I tell all the people around I'm leaving for vacations but I'll stay here and have some fun with the sims and TSR! \:rah\: I was visiting a workshop about photography and that was really great! I bought a new lens so I hope I will get better pics soon. It's a great fun for me to take pics of my pets. We all are fine - hubby's not really relaxed, he thinks he has to help me but I'm confident it will get better after a while and my son is ready with his examinations. The doggies and my loveble cats are doing fine, too. Rascal moved to my daughter and is now making friends with his new "uncle" Berlioz. This old guy who didn't like to move a lot is playing again now with the little one. So cute! I think I'll need some time to be uptodate with TSR again, but I'm so happy now - I missed my new friends here at TSR a lot! Lots of hugs and kisses my dear from Jeanie. \:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 26, 2010

Thanks (((Sonja)))! Your comments are wonderful! I am happy you like Azra's story! I have to work on chapter 4 today! \:D

maxi kingJun 26, 2010

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on my pic's!Yes he is an inventor and cought fire a view times as well!\:DI didn't do the floor tiles,the game went funny and that was one thing,another one was that my sim went brown but I wasn't fast enough to take a pic!After restarting the game it was all ok again!\;\)My new patterns are made with the new tool,it's so easy,it's fun!Well have a nice weekend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

You won't believe it... I had to wait for almost a week to get my chapter 2 posted, so I submitted chapter 3 this morning.... Guess what... It's out already! 

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

.....And also a BIG thank you for your comments on my screenies! Those sim bots are something else...aren't they  \:D \:D

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

hahaha... now you have the message twice dear driend...uh...friend!!! \:D

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

Thanks so much my dear friend for your comments on Azra's story! \:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

Thanks so much my dear driend for your comments on Azra's story! \:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

You mean that your new Tessa met Molly's Liang in China? Or is it a new game without Molly in it and Tessa met Liang in China? He's there at least... My Cheng Wang Liang did only show up once... (as in my story) and after the game crashed I haven't seen him again! I don't have holidays, just a couple of days off in July and then maybe somemore in September. I am happy you are feeling better every day now! It has been a strange year for you I bet. I talk to you later (((Sonja)))

fredbrennyJun 24, 2010

(((Sonja))) How are you girlfriend? Not much happening on TSR today (and yesterday) I submitted my second chapter of my new story, but it is taking them very long to post! Love your Liang character! He is cute!

Ekky_SimsJun 23, 2010

Hi ! Thank you so much for your comment on my "Plaid Western Shirt" ! Happy Simming \:D

natef005Jun 22, 2010

Hi! Thank you sooooooooooooo much for a great comment on my Toddler's outfit! Have a nice day! \:wub\: \:\)

francienJun 21, 2010

Hi Cardina, great you like Backyard!! thank you for writing and I hope you have fun with the lot \:wub\:

DT456Jun 18, 2010

Coolt! \:\) Ja, det verkar vara samma princip som i Sims 2.... \:D

spitzmagicJun 18, 2010

((((Sonja)))) LOL took me forever to find out where that silly misic box was...LOL my simmies kept asking for one and I just couldn't fine it..untill I just happend to be in the kids toys section...and ther it was, but I still don't know where the one with the ballerina is....\:wub\:Have a great weekend \:wub\:

flody888Jun 17, 2010

Hi caridina! LOL I thought you planned the whole series with his hands behind his back! It's still funny! \;\) The hole digging sounds very cool and useful. \:\) And I'm glad you like the polls. I'm still learning. But all that matters is that people get kudos. \:D Oh, and have fun too. \:\) Have a super week! \:D

maxi kingJun 15, 2010

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you left me!It means alot to me!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 14, 2010

\:wub\:Hi there!Thank you for all the lovely comments on my pic's!\:rah\:That fish is made from stone and she found it,I can't remember if in that hole or in the future but I gess it was in the future,she also met big ants in that hole,luckely they didn't mind her being down there!\:DHave a great day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

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