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caridina's Guestbook

DT456Jun 1, 2010

Ja det borde dom! Kanske att det blir liite för mycket skuggor... Ifall det blir för mycket så kan du säga till mig så får du en ny! \;\)

DT456Jun 1, 2010

Vad bra att du frisk igen! Mitt senaste set var inspirerat av Gotland! \:\) Det finns en ort där som heter Hau! Njae, jag ska ine va inne hela tiden... Jag ska måla ett hus, och så ska jag klippa gräset i sommar, sen ska jag oxå bort på semester i tre veckor! :P

spitzmagicJun 1, 2010

((((((GREAT BIG GIANT HUGGGS)))))) girlfriend, that's wonderful news \:rah\: .... \:wub\: love ya lots Sonja \:wub\:

martoeleMay 31, 2010

Hi dear (((Sonja)))! I'm so glad to hear that it will be the last cure. \:D  You must be very happy. I will think of you tomorrow and from the moment I wake up until going to bed, I will be lightening candles for you. \:wub\: I will hear from you how things continue. Many, many hugs from Margo.

DT456May 31, 2010

Det låter väldigt trevligt! \;\) Har du varit på Gotland? Dit måste du åka! Där kan du ta minst 70 bilder på en minut! \:D Njae, jag håller på med ett soffbord just nu, tror jag laddar upp det ensamt... När sommarlovet börjar ska jag göra ett kök, hall, matsal och massa annat.. \:D

fredbrennyMay 31, 2010

((((Sonja))))  That is such good news! Docter says you're fine and just one more chemo to go! Ohhh... I wish so much you are going to be all better after this! \:wub\: You take it easy and one step at the time, meanwhile have loads of fun experiencing the new EP. \:rah\:  doing a happy dance for you!!! \:D BIGGGG HUGGGS

flody888May 31, 2010

Hi caridina! I'm so sorry I don't know how to fix that. You should ask on the forums here on TSR and see if anyone knows anything. There shouldn't be a problem b/c lots of people upload lots with plants...However, I've had problems with imported lots of my own inside my own game. Only one had to be completely deleted but the other ones are 'sort of' ok.SORRY and GOOD LUCK!!! \:confused\:

Jennifer_RMay 31, 2010

Hi Sonja, your very welcome. I couldn't agree more, it's just so amazing to look at. Have a lovely day! \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 30, 2010

((((Sonja))))   Thanks for all your lovely comments!!!! I wish you all the luck in the world for tomorrow! Keeping my fingers crossed! \:wub\:

simsjeanieMay 30, 2010

Good morning, dear Sonja, here I am with another cheesecake for you - I love to eat your bread instead! Saltflakes overhead - I love this! I know some people take it off, but I eat it all, love that taste! Thank you so much for visiting the kittens - I loved to read your comment I just found! Would like to send two kittens to you - when they are near everything seems so easygoing. But most of all I'll keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow! And my big toes, too! I do hope so much that you'll get good news!!! \:wub\: Have a relaxing walk today and some relaxing hours with your sims and hubby so the time to wait will pass by quickly. Thinking of you and hugging and kissing you! Jeanie. \:wub\:

MangioMay 30, 2010

lucky you... it must be a fantastic graphics card \;\) \:wub\: im not sure if its conflicting with my gameplay or its a patch problem but im running okay. i dont see anything wrong, but im so concerned just playing the damn thing to notice the scenary around me

simsjeanieMay 29, 2010

Good morning, dear Sonja, just wanted to tell you about the food replicator - but Frederique was (much!) quicker! I love that oven and as Penelope has so many LT points she got one for her chinese home, too. You once cook a meal - best is a perfect one of course - your sim loves. And when it's ready don't let your sim eat it! Click on the plate (or the oven, such a shame, I don't know right now  though I do it all the time! \:o ) and you see a pic popping up that says something like: replicate. The sim puts the plate on the oven and after that you can eat it. But you have 10 meals in that oven, that you can eat whenever you like, eg dinner for breakfirst and so on. You can store three dishes, that means you have 30 meals in that fr - think you have to improve it first for more storage, though. It's great! Whenever you're short of time or very hungry you can have the best meal. Try it - you'll love it! Here some fresh hot rolls - fresh from the oven - sadly no food replicater in rl! \:D Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\: (Oh, I did forget - I managed to put some pics of the kittens in my galleries - so if you want to can watch the adorable tinies who are the reason I'm not so much here as before. Hugs! \:wub\: )

MangioMay 29, 2010

your graphics card seems better than mine \:\) the new expansion pack isnt going to support it... *sucks* it doesnt seem your using one of the low ranged cards or did you photoshop the pics \:P \:wub\: at least you can still play sims 3 \;\)

flody888May 29, 2010

Wow, talk about coincidences! Molly and Liang were just meant to be together since they kept meeting all the time! \:\) Thanks for your input on my disappearing houses. I'll keep scratching my head about it. \:D

flody888May 28, 2010

I LOVE the idea of putting a sandpile and coins (and maybe a treasure chest) and skeleton in the pool! Ooooh! That sounds like something I have to do! Thank you!!!

flody888May 28, 2010

Hi! That's kind of romantic that Molly and Liang met as sparring partners! \:wub\: Hey, can you tell me something? In my game, I have two houses with basements that see inside the pool. In the Map View, the house disappears. Does that happen in your game too?

fredbrennyMay 27, 2010

Earn that many LIFEWISH points and you can by that oven. It makes copies of the dishes you make, and with one button to push you just re-create that dish....\:D Thanks for commenting on that screen shot!

DT456May 27, 2010

Hihih.. \:D 

DT456May 27, 2010

Jo, jag har kudos till en fridag, men jag vill inte slösa mina kudos... \:P Jag har jobbat så hårt för dom... Ochd et känns som om man är rik när man har så mycket kudos... :P 

dizzydianaMay 27, 2010

hello, thank you for the comment on my screenie Death By Flies - have a fab day! ~ Diana \:rah\:

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