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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
It's might be cold outside, even in Wonderland, so give your Sims a moment for themselves and allow them to enjoy this platformed bathroom. It includes a pet wash tub for their four legged friends.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1517870
ItemID: 1517870
Filesize: 46 KB
Please make sure to enter the code bb.moveobjects before you install this room.
Except from My First Pet stuff, I have all extension and stuff packs installed on my computer.
Windows and door are from Snowy Escape and the floor from Eco Living. Requires also Cats and Dogs.
In order to install this room:
1- download the room and the required CC
2- unzip files
3- copy all files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray)
4- put CC in the Mods folder
If you can't see the room in your library, please check the advanced options, and active "Include custom content".
Because it's a platformed room you might have to build partly the ceiling again.
Credits: Many thanks to all TSR artists whose splendid creations I used in this room.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- 2020 TSR Holiday Collab - Warmy birds sculpture
- Christmas Entrance 2020 TSR Holiday Collab - cypress basket
- Christmas Entrance 2020 TSR Holiday Collab - Eco gift bags
- Christmas Buffet 2020 TSR Holiday Collab - Candle star
- Christmas Entrance 2020 TSR Holiday Collab - glass trees
- Zara plant
- Jules makeup brushes
- Coastal Extras - begonia and aster
- Holiday Wonderland - Christmas Entrance - potted branch