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This is Buffy Iverson, a lavender winged fairy trying to take care of the Earth. She is very aware of her environment, always taking care not to harm it. She takes care of all sorts of animals and loves each and every one of them the same. She is great at gardening, is always in the great outdoors and hasn't touched meat since she was 5. She enjoys Indie music while eating plain Autumn Salad and her house is the color green. Everything inside and out is green. She tends to like that color, being the environmentalist that she is. Her goal in life is to cast inner beauty on 12 Sims and to reach level 10 in her Charisma skill.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1209097
ItemID: 1209097
Filesize: 844 KB
I have all Expansion and Stuff Packs, but only the Base Game, Island Paradise (Everyday and Formal), Master Suite Stuff (Sleepwear) and Seasons (Outerwear) were used in pictures. These are the custom contents that are on Buffy Iverson in the pictures:
Hair:Skysims 092
Skintone:Pralinesims 8.0 Nondefault European
Eyes:Paper Eyes Defaults by simtzu
Athletic:Top by ILikeMusic640 and Bottom by ILikeMusic640
Swimwear:ILikeMusic640 top and bottom
Sim is packaged with Base Game hair, skin, eyes and clothes, along with Seasons for the Outerwear. She is packaged as a human, so you need to change her to a fairy if you have the Supernatural Expansion Pack. She was created with all the sliders from aWT (except for the Hat and Bulbous Head ones) which are no longer on his blog, so he shared them here and all of bella3lek4's sliders @ ModTheSims, and the slider hack (version Patch 1.55, mods NUMSliders and 5X) from S-Club Priv�e
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: