Where To Get The Sleeveless Princess Dress
There was a mesh on this site that I loved, and I believe it was made by Neptunesuzy--it was a sleevless, long-skirted dress for little girls. I made many recolors of that mesh, and always got a great reaction to it...and then it just up and disappeared one day. I've done numerous searches for it (mostly because I had my recolors of that mesh linking up to a non-existant url, and people were not too pleased about that).
Not too long afterwards, I decided to create my own sleeveless dress mesh...but the method I wanted to use (cutting the OFB dress off in the middle, and attaching it to the little girl's sleeveless top that comes with the base game) was harder than I thought it would be...mainly because there was a transparent gap in the middle, and no matter what I did--aligning normals, extended manual edits, etc., that gap still existed. Well, I finally figured out how to cure the problem last night, and have uploaded the sleeveless dress mesh onto my site. Not to worry, the mesh (and recolors) are free, and I have no problem with others recoloring, as long as they link back to it at Simphany.com
Here is the direct link to it: Simphany's Sleeveless Dress Mesh For Little Girls
I will be remaking the dress for toddler girls as well (both with and without puffy sleeves) so stay tuned =)
And to all you brand-new graduates out there...
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