Layout Changes On New Site
My neice, Destin�e loves the sims 2. She's going on 10, and I am proud to say (and almost NOT proud--she's addicted) that I introduced her to the game.
She loves it! She'll hold up a shirt or skirt she owns, and ask me to remake it, she's so cute.
When I told her that I was thinking of opening up a sims site, she was so excited. She wanted to be a part of it, so I told her that she could pick the site design (with me overwatching, of course, lol).
She wanted something that she could get creative with--something that she could change each month. I thought it was cute at first (she wanted to change the borders to yellow or orange for the summer months--they're purple now for Easter. She wanted to then change them to red/white/blue for late June, July) but I pointed out to her that the site was growing, and pretty soon, there will be too many pages for her to change colors on (and prompt me to change the cursors, scrollbars, etc).
I got about 2 hours of the silent treatment, and an angry glance every 5 minutes from the adorable face (that reminds me so much of my mother it's scary!) of my neice (did I mention the folded arms?) but after drawing her over, and promising that she'd get to snap shots of the clothing in-game, and pick the featured pictures for each section page, we made peace, and I came to a firm decision.
I'm changing the layout of my Simphany. It's not going to be a dramatic change, but the color will be stationary (something I don't have to change each month) and being that I'll be working on the layout alone, I don't have to worry about broken links, etc., because I'll be going through the new site with a fine toothed comb.
Hopefully, the new layout will be up and running this weekend. I'm just checking on the links for the main pages. For those who have visited, and left encouraging words, I thank you. There will be new content added to the site before the end of the week.
Have a wonderful second week of April, and thanks for stopping by!
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