
2,648Creations 2,894,524Downloads

clcny20's Blog


I know I never said Happy Holidays on this blog, but I did send as many individual guestbook holiday wishes out that I could. I'm wishing all of you a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous 2007!

Yaaaaaah, we're a month closer to Seasons, lol

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Easter Sunday Site Premiere

Still not posting the name for now -- the site is still being worked on, and I don't want to be bombarded with "Why isn't this working" or "When's this going to be clickable?!" questions.

The main reason that I haven't opened the site to the simming community as yet is because I got into hairmeshing, and got excited about the possibility of being able to feature a few new ones for member downloads.

I have finally decided that--no matter what, the set date for my site to be listed here on my TSR mini-site, and on my myspace page as well (including sims 2 groups on myspace that I belong to) will be this Easter Sunday--April 8th, 2007.

I don't care what sections I don't have open, or what more I want to add--I'll do that WHILE the site is open for downloads. No matter what that date is set in stone, so be sure to visit my mini-site again on 4/08/07.

I'm a perfectionist, and if I don't set a date by throwing caution to the wind, this site won't be released until the Sims 3 is out, lol.

By the way, did anyone get a chance to check out the new Harry Potter book cover???! I'm so excited, can't wait.

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Almost Open

I'm holding back on putting out my new site's name, for the simple reason that I'm still uploading files, and pictures onto it. So far, I have the "free downloads" section chock full of new eye colors, skintones, walls, flooring, and even terrain. I just need to add the free clothing (and I promise free does not equal badly made on this site, quite the contrary). The site name will be listed on a blog here this weekend (I know I've said that a million times before, but I promise! This weekend!) and the free section will be available for download by anyone (maxis object recolors coming later).

The members section will be coming in about another week, and (as I said a million times before) will feature hair/clothing/object meshes made by me, and recolors for those meshes. Any logo or brandname recolors will be posted here at TSR (there aren't that many of them), but the base mesh will have to be downloaded in the "members only" section, and once again, that will be $3.00 for 30 days of unlimited downloads, through Paypal. (Object meshes coming later)

Any questions, or requests, feel free to drop me a line.

See ya soon =)

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Update On My New Website

I've secured the sitename (as I think I mentioned before), and have been having loads of fun designing the site (it's really cute--but not too glitter-graphicy...also, that adorable brown teddy bear on my mini-site here at TSR is used in the logo).

I just wanted to clarify a few things--in a way, it will be a repeat of the first blog I entered detailing my site.

1. I've struggled long and hard with this one...the pay or no-pay issue, and here's the verdict. Any Maxis-made mesh recolors will be free. I don't think it's right to ask anyone to pay for recolors of meshes that come with the game. Trust me when I say that I have A LOT of those recolors, so it will NOT be a matter of like 8 maxis-mesh recolors to 800 of my own mesh recolors--not by far. My own meshes AND their recolors, however, will be pay. I mentioned on the other blog the monthly subscription fee, and I'll mention it again in #2.

2. The monthly subscription fee is $3.00. I don't see the price increasing, so do not worry about me starting off at $3.00, and then raising it to $10.00 a couple of months later. I'm not trying to rip anybody off (which is why I decided to make Maxis recolors free), but it would be great to have the proceeds go to maintaining the site, etc. The payments will be processed through PayPal, and I'm sure at some point a few months from now, I will link up to other payment sites. As far as mailing payments, I think it's not the best idea to send a $3.00 money order in the mail--between the postage and the money order, you'll really be spending like $5.00-$6.00.

3. I posted in the blog before this one that I've become more selective about the clothing that I choose to feature on my new site, and nothing could be more truthful. I mean, I feel my submissions here at TSR have been really nice, but I've seen so many flaws in my creations (so many recolors that I just don't pull off too well, or clothing patterns that I've put onto meshes that don't really showcase it, or even really nice clothing patterns that I've put onto meshes that no longer exist, etc.) and it's prompted me to really think about what I'm going to be submitting. I can gaurantee that both the free and pay side of my site will be filled with high-quality, clear-defined, and stylish clothing that you'll be giddy to get into your game ASAP.

4. My newest meshes for clothing are really cute--I've even previewed some in my screenshots. More sweater options for toddlers and kids, and more meshes geared towards those ages as well. Between now and the next couple of weeks, I'd like to get into object and hair meshing, so that my site will not be so one-sided (clothing-wise).

5. I promise that I will still submit to TSR, but as I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, it will be few-and-far between. My main submissions will be creations that bear logos (I will NOT be featuring logo clothing on my site, and I think it's important to note that). Whether they are maxis-made meshes, or my own meshes, if there's a logo on it (I've already got Charlie Brown logos, and Sesame Street logos, etc.), I will submit it here, and if it requires a mesh from my site, I promise to indicate that, so there are no mix-ups or confusion.

6. As far as my up-and-running date, it should be this weekend, sometime. Not all the categories will be open (most will have a coming-soon sign when you click on the button), but all clothing, wallpaper, and floors will be available for downloads.

OK, I think I answered as many questions as I can think of right now--I'm at work, so I'd better get back to it, lol. If anyone has any other questions, I'll add them to this blog, and try to answer them as best I can. I know you'll love my site, and I just want to state something really important...

I know that I became angry at TSR in an earlier blog, but I want to assure anyone reading that I am not really angry at TSR, but at myself for going through the fiery hoops that I, myself, have created to jump through in order to impress the powers-that-be here. For a long while I was obssessed with the thought of becoming a FA, so much so that I OD'ed on submissions, and went nuts trying to get as many in one sitting as I could, but as much as it hurt me that they never offered a FA spot to me here, I'm thankful to them for a) giving me a start on my creations, b) at least giving me a select artist spot, c) introducing me to a great simming community (so good to know I'm not the only one addicted to this game), and d) helping me to realize that it's time to spread my own wings, and fly to an endeavor of my own, which I am finally doing.

I hope you're all enjoying my newest submissions here, and I will continue to take requests here, but please understand that my main submissions will no longer be housed here.

Happy simming all.

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Emptying My TSR Submission Folder

I think every artist here at TSR has a "submission" folder, as well as a "to-be-created" folder. Well, I've become more selective about my "to-be-created" folder contents, and have been trying to recolor and empty my "TSR Submissions" folder, in order to focus more of my attention on my new site.

The site will be up and running hopefully by this time next week (I've already secured the site, and am working on the layout, and download previews), so it's only a matter of time now.

Within the next week or so you should see a surge in my uploads, mainly because I'm trying to clear them from my puter, but as I stated a few posts ago, chances are my submissions will be few-and-far-between afterwards. I'll be submitting a new post either sometime today or tomorrow explaning why in detail, but for now, I hope you all enjoy my upcoming submissions, and I thank you all so much for your incredible comments, and the time you take out to let me know how you feel about your submissions.

Happy Valentine's day to all!

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I'm Creating A New Sims Site

There have been mumblings about this for almost a year now, but I've finally set the ground to make a new sims site that should be opening sometime during the next few weeks.

The reason why I held off on making it was because I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go in, in terms of whether it would be a paysite, or a free site / whether it would feature recolors of other site's meshes (with permission of course) or only recolors of my own meshes / whether I'd ask other members from TSR to join me, or I'd venture out alone at first...and then maybe ask once the site has been out long enough, and is as stable as I would feel comfortable...things like that.

I won't release the site name now (because I haven't registered it, and I'd be so pissed if someone stole it and registered it before me (trust me, it's original, and cute, and DOES have the word "Sim" in it..,you'll love it =) )

I've busted my bootie making submissions to TSR for 3 years now (and to that "shadow" artist who thinks she's been on here for longer than I have--you know who you are--you couldn't be more wrong, Sweetie. My first sims2 submission was posted 6 days before my birthday in 2004 which was the 10th of September--so my first submission was posted on September 4th, 2004. Your first submission was in November of 2004. Get the facts straight.

Select artist is nice, but I feel it's a slap in the face for all the long years I've put in, and the faithfulness I've had to TSR.

Trust me, I'm grateful for all the fans, and recognition, and tips/tricks that I've come across, but I'm not one to jump through firey hoops, especially if it involves putting money into other people's pockets. I have no clue what it'll take for me to become a featured artist here, and I'm at a point where I'm just scared to know what I'd have to do...(kidnap a celebrity? lol) So, that's an abandoned goal that takes a lot of pressure off of me.

I will definitely post another blog once the site is up and running, and just so you know it will be half free, and half pay (new meshes, and mesh recolors will be pay (unlimited downloads for about $ need to go crazy with the price, I mesh/recolor because I love doing it)--any recolors of meshes that came with the game will be 100% free...and I promise they will be plentiful and good quality. I will also soon be meshing hair, and objects, so I'm excited, and feel I am definitely ready to spread my wings and fly out there on my own.

Thanks for all the comments, and support that I have received from you all, and I hope to see you at my site!

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Why I Don't Make Many Recolors

I've silenty debated on this question, and felt it only right to post this where all can see on my page...

I do no more than about 8 or 9 recolors--

MAYBE the original color of an outfit if not one of the colors above

I have tried to recolor submissions as per downloader's requests in all different shades of the above color, and have not liked the result (neon colors, and 12 shades of purple, for example) so I have come to this decision...

Those colors listed above are the only recolors I will submit my submissions in. I'm sorry, I understand that some members want more shades of red, or blue, but I like keeping my recolors of an item under about 10, or even I get tired of seeing them, lol.

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You Got A Problem With The Pamperless Toddler?

Then get your mind out of the gutter.

I already sent this to one small-minded member, and now I will be reposting this for all to see.

"To any who take offense to my unpampered toddler mesh, you need to look at the overall reason for the mesh. First off--the mesh itself is "Barbie-dolled" meaning there are no parts on it that should not be seen. Secondly, it's a chance to recolor a toddler mesh with no bulky pampers on it. If you do not like the mesh, then you are more than welcome to pass it over for download. In my opinion, if you're taking offense to it, then you're thinking small...and dirty, if you ask me. You are quite obviously not a mesher, or you would be very grateful for this un-huggied mesh.

Babies are innocent--there are no "naughty" parts when it comes to innocence. Innocence, however, can be ruined by small minds. I have made a few CLOTHED submissions using this mesh that SOMEONE ELSE first unlocked on another site, and now the mesh is no longer available, leaving me in a position where people are demanding the mesh. They demanded, and I provided. Plus, I wanted to continue making cute PAMPERLESS outfit sets for toddlers.

If you have a problem with me unlocking this mesh (which I did NOT make, it was already in the game) then speak to thesimsresource. And when I am asked why the mesh is no longer available, I'll make sure to point in your direction.

Loosen up, grow up, and look at the big picture, not the dirty one. Geez."

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Meshing Error

NOTE TO ALL WHO TRIED TO DOWNLOAD MY MESHES LAST WEEK: I'm pretty new to meshing, so I uploaded the wrong files for you to download. It seems that when you submit a mesh, you're not supposed to use the file in your Saved Sims folder, but the one in your Downloads folder. Try to download it again--I tried to download it this morning--without having that file in my downloads folder, and it worked. It should work for you now.

Newest Family Video

I lost this family after downloading Sims 2 Pets. Yes, I backed everything up, but it's just not showing in my game. It's for the best though, me and my husband in this video (who was my boyfriend in real life) are no longer together anyway, so alls well that ends well. Enjoy

Make photo slide shows at

Latest Headlines

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! Easter Sunday Site Premiere Almost Open Update On My New Website Emptying My TSR Submission Folder I'm Creating A New Sims Site Why I Don't Make Many Recolors You Got A Problem With The... Meshing Error Newest Family Video
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