clcny20's Blog
Me, Tommy, and little Christiana
a very cute little video slideshow of my family in the game. Enjoy!Where I Get My Hair Downloads From
Just in case anyone else is wondering (I've already gotten like 100 PM's asking), I get myhairstyles from the current sites: TSR (of course),,,,,,, and
Sims vs Reality
I have a friend who says that the Sims is a voodoo game, lol. I laugh at him everytime he says it, but can't help but agree. It's just so weird how things happen in the game that resemble real life, and even spookier how things will happen in the game that haven't yet happened in real life--but end UP happening!I love putting people that I know into the game (ex boyfriends, especially--although I've caught a bit of a backlash from people because of that. Some may view it as pathetic, but I believe "pathetic" would be telling me how I can play my sims, and who I can make into a sim).
Oddly enough, I never finish my games. I think the furthest I got was seeing myself get married to an ex of mine, and having 2 children by him, and that was that. I never got to see them grow up, or have children of their own. Something always seems to happen to my game before I can get to that point.
And there's just this strong addiction I have to making Harry Potter characters into sims.