cpblick45's Blog
And We All Sim On...Back to The Sims with Sims3
Today I renewed my acquaintance, and my subscription, with TSR. What a day!! I've looked at everybody's new Sim3 creations, visited numerous artist's minisites, and exchanged some fun comments back-and-forth with fellow simmers from all around the world. Totally a fun day! (My cats weren't quite as impressed...they felt I spent entirely too much time at the computer and not enought time paying attention to them. They let me know when I needed a break by high-diving off the file cabinet onto my keyboard!)
I really love new things though. Having a new game to explore and learn how to use is always such fun. I can already tell that Sims 2 are behind me. I wonder if everybody feels that way, or if some folks will have a hard time making the switch to Sims3? After all the time and energy they've put into making things for Sims 2 it must be hard to leave them behind. If only we could find a way to bring more of that specialized content to the new game. Oh well...I guess time will tell. So far I've just been making a few new sims and getting the hang of using the design tool in the new game to customize objects and decor. Now that I've had a chance to see what all the artists are doing with it, I'm ready to start doing some serious building! Thanks for all the great ideas you've given me, plus the wonderful patterns, houses and sims you've given me to include in my games! Time to get simming!!!
P.S. I sure hope all the artists and designers out there will be able to start generating some new meshes and adding new objects to Sims3 before long. After all we've been used to having to work/play with in Sims 2 the inventory seems sorely lacking! I can't wait to see what you guys will create for this new game. And by the way, I love the way things download right into the game using the launcher. Excellent design!! Now, can somebody get it to download more than one thing at a time so I don't have to spend the whole day doing one download at a time???