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crystal_89's Guestbook

Jaws3Oct 6, 2008

It was a really great story. I'm sad its over... But At least your writing a new one!\:D

clairepitts1994Oct 6, 2008

BLACKMAIL!! THAT IS BLACKMAIL\:P well i'm on msn.....and now ur not!! that's only slightly annoying!\:\) XP i'm bored, yeah i'll be online tonight maybe....probably so i'll talk to u then 7? i should be on.\:\) cya

WarrayfinsonOct 6, 2008

Hey anytime. Yeah, I'm a huge Warcraft fan. I can't play World of Warcraft, my mum won't let me, so I just play the normal games. I love the night elves, and the high elves too. *Makes peace sign* My favourite guy is Illidan, his just awesome, even though he DIES! I was there going "NNNNOOOOO! He can't die, his too cool to die!" Arthus is pretty cool too as the Lich King.

LivdudeOct 6, 2008

Hey there \:P I got your PM, thanks, that should help, i haven't tried it yet, but if i have probs, i know where to come. I'm having trouble with the custom writing, can you please explain again?

Foxychik925Oct 5, 2008

hey again!\:D apparently I can't make the story, there was a malfunction with my computer and now it will only let me take pictures of the family at a certain time.\:\( thats why im starting a new story, the Chovies' live near them so I might be able to get a few shots in. So stay tuned, Bye! xxx\:rah\:

clairepitts1994Oct 5, 2008

if you didn't understand the first part, it was about the thing you wrote in your profile \;\) \:D

clairepitts1994Oct 5, 2008

OMGOSH!!!that is really long!!\:o

clairepitts1994Oct 5, 2008

oh it should say I have recently updated my expansion pack inventory, so I now have University, Nightlife, Open For Business, Family Fun Stuff, Pets, Seasons, H&M, Bon Voyage and Freetime, and I thank clairepitts1994 ever so kindly for lending them to me, when she didn't have to and she is just such a great friend\:P XD \:D i'm bored! how's the expansion packs going??\:\) daylight savings is soo confusing! well not really but, for example it is...11:05pm but it should really be only 10:05pm but its not...i lost a whole hour today, it was sad. When i get up in the morning at 9! it will really be 8, how unfair! its not bad enough you have to go to bed an hour earlier but get up and hour earlier too. I love ranting on about stuff that doesnt really matter. I ABSOLUTELY (nearly forgot how to spell that then aaarrgggghhhhh mind blank) yeah...ABSOLUTELY (copied the other one;D) ABSOLUTELY (..i did it again and now i'm getting in my own way, so i can't progress past this sentence, it's a shame isn't it? I won't do it again) ABSOLUTELY (i don't think i spelt that one right....anyway moving on because now it is 11:08 not really though, is this sentence in brackets hold on let me see....yep it is so i shall finish it with an ending bracket;D) ABSOLUTELY (now i can't stop laughing) ABSOLUTELY (i'm so annoying i can't stop) ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR STORY!!! poor chris!! did i mention that i have a close cousin called chris, so it's so wierd that the brother on the thing (well that's nice of me to say...yeah the thing) anyhoo is called chris, and my well its either my brother or my umm dad yeah thats it, its either one of them that chris is there middle name..not my cousin but...i don't think that's the connection you made but i certainly did, I haven't written a comment this long since.....meh a few pages ago....there was something i was going to say now i can't remember, i have to go now, i'm about to watch transformers, and i have to get up early (9!!....but its really 8!! but if i was really getting up at 8 i would REALLY be getting up at 7!!! and i never do that, except when i was having horseriding lessons, you had to get up there really early, what can i say i'm not a morning person? i watched stick it last night, kind of it was really wierd, don't know why i'm telling you this but its too late to go and erase it now, and now its 11:15pm look how long it has taken me to write you meaningless jibba jabba!! I've got you a present! and i forgot to give it to you when you were here, i'll post it up (i just did that to annoy you...DOWN) to you when i wrap it it's toby's birthday soon, he'll be a whole year old! i can't beleive i've had him for that long. OH you know the mice i've got at the moment, one of them was flat out teasing toby, and toby got really close to the cage, the mouse stuck his nose through the wire and bit toby on the leg! toby did this small high pitched cat is such a wimp, he got cat got a mouse. It just doesn't sound right but that's what happened, i've been writing non stop for 10 minutes now, coz it's now, well it was before 11:18 but now it's 11:19 so its really 11 minutes now, but its REALLY 10:19! not 11 even though the computer says so, its just trying to trick you. How fun would it be to be a person that's paranoid over everything! you know like some wierd person that lives in a trailer that thinks aliens abducted him! that'd be fun, but I'd have to know that i was paranoid, but i suppose that would defeat the purpose, aren't my rants fun to read? okay i really have to must be going now, i told him i'd watch transformers so i have to go now!!! TARTAR!!!! adios, ciao (chow(not the dog kind)(I could have a whole nother rant about chow, but i'll save it for another day) it is 11:22 and this is claire signing out. that was so cool always wanted to say it, but now it's incorrect coz it's 11:23 but REALLY it's not, but enough about that...omgoodness gracious my nose is bleeding now....don't know if you wanted to know that but well now you do so your gonna have to live with it. Yeah so i like really have to go now TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE!! that reminds me of the add.....okay i really have to go now, it is 11:27 and i am saying goodbye once and for all!! wow thats like 20 minutes i wonder how long this comment is! I wonder if you read all of it? well goodbye! 11:28................\;\) \:\) \:D dit dot die!!!

LivdudeOct 5, 2008

Ok, thats cool. I just really wanna know about how to use backgrounds. How do you add pictures into the background?\:confused\: By the way, which part of Australia do you live in?

Jaws3Oct 5, 2008

Thank you very much! My simmies will love these!\:D And your stories are awesome...

skyblue7377Oct 4, 2008 are just so so sweet!! Huge hugs

KDLANG0Oct 4, 2008

Hi crystal! I´ve read the last chapter! \:wub\: I just loved it, it was precisely as I wished and hoped for! \:wub\: \:rah\: But surely I´ve commented and rated it! But what am I going to read now?! \:\( \:wub\: \:rah\:

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

Hi again, i downloaded it, works fine. But i'm a bit confused with changing the background. The text works fine, i can do that all, but can you know explain how i put pictures into the background and use the things called layers?\:confused\:

Jaws3Oct 4, 2008

I love your story: Lost Memories. I went and read all the parts just now, in fact, it's all in the comment I left... But, there's one thing I forgot to ask you. The hairstyle, you know, the messy ponytail? Yeah, where'd you get that?\:\)

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

I was just about to download GIMP when it said that is would take 4 hourse and 16 minutes to download! Is that how long it takes?\:eek\:

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

Um, well that was a bit confusing, but i will read it again, i am going to download GIMP tonight and give it a go. I might not be on later on, but i will tell you if it is working or not. Okay, your help is much appreciated. And if i have anymore questions, i know who to ask!\:P \:cool\: \:D

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

Hey, congrats on getting feature story, you deserved it, i commented on the story. \:D \:wub\: \:rah\:

TheOnlyMissMelOct 4, 2008

ur welcome \:D \:P

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

What can i say? Your stories are really good, and you've given me so far a lot of tips for the GIMP photo editor. By the way, can you please teach me to add words?\:\) \:D \:P ~L~I~V~D~U~D~E~

LivdudeOct 4, 2008

By the way, with my next story, which should be out soon, i a dedicating it to Warrayfinson, but the next story i do, which I am working on will be for you \:\) \:D

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